Siege time and nerf

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  • Hello guys.

    This is only my opinion but 2 weeks ago was so much better the life in the server.

    The sieges was perfect and not buffed like now. there was much more PVP than now. (I know some ppl like PvE more, but if everything were the same again, it would still be PVE)

    People doin only dailys and okay i know its a PvPvE server but now 100% PVE 0% PVP.

    Please think about it.

    You guys make good job and so nice with the players and i know you want the best for the community but now you have to do something.

    The weekend is here and cant go to BT or Siege's. People play only solo arena's and farm like bots.

  • Hello Dante, we understand your point of view.
    Our Siege Schedule is in Beta. We're testing it.
    In the future there will be new polls.
    We're working to provide the best experience to all players, it just takes a bit of time.

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