Kahrun Symbol Farming Guide

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  • I was going through the ways of collecting Kahrun's symbols and thought this might help a few others as well. Please let me know if I missed anything, then I'll update the post!

    There are daily quests, weekly quests and non-repeatable quests that you can do. I would suggest as a fresh player at endgame to focus on the sandstorm daily and weekly quests and to try and run Raksang whenever you can as it's the easiest way to obtain symbols fast (it also drops some nice rings and earrings). Aturam Sky Fortress is also an easy solo instance you can do in 5 minutes.


    • Sandstorm quests to kill one named mob in Sarpan or Tiamaranta. Rewards a bag of symbols, usually 9-10 but rarely 100.
      1. Sarpan: [Daily] Target Removal Crew (lvl 55)
      2. Tiamaranta: [Daily] Target Acquisition (lvl 58)
    • You can join the Black Cloud Merchants organisation in Kamar to receive one random daily for 10 Kahrun's symbols. Note that you can't be in Fortuneers, Radiant Ops etc. when you join these:

    • Instances with repeatable quests that require you to kill the final boss:
      • Aturam Sky Fortress (x1): 10 symbols - you only need to kill Ashunatal so you can immediately enter the steam tachysphere after using the elevator to skip the rest of the instance
      • Raksang (x5): 75 symbols + scales you can exchange for random amount of symbols (expect around 15 or so from the 25 scales per day)
      • Rentus Base (x2): 30 symbols
      • Argent Manor (x1): 18 symbols - this requires an alliance
      • Elementis Forest (x1): 18 symbols - this requires an alliance



    You will find many unrepeatable quests rewarding 1 Kahrun's symbol or a box of symbols scattered around Sarpan and Tiamaranta. Up to you if you find them worth doing. Some notable ones are those rewarding boxes of Kahrun's symbols as they generally overlap with a lot of the mobs needed for the Sandstorm weeklies, and the ones to kill Tiamat's incarnation during the Tiamaranta siege.


    If you manage to do all of these dailies and weeklies (except AM and EF) you are looking at at least 1295 kahrun symbols per week. If you skip on Rentus Base you're still looking at over 1000 Kahrun symbols potentially per week of which Raksang provides almost half! Good luck and happy hunting for Kahrun.

    Edited 2 times, last by Ellara (September 12, 2024 at 12:56 AM).

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