Some suggestions and also some questions

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  • First thank you for this wonderful server and I'm glad it existed to serve everyone and equally.

    I don't understand why you don't add all skins at least from 4.6 patch to web shop (Big E server have all skins from beginning and I think that's why it's successful). It's not like you do not know which skins to add just add them all. Wide selection of skins will bring more people to this server.

    Gameplay wise : You should add some lumens as rewards for having master crafting profession and gatherings. This will promote people to learn crafting and selling pots, scrolls we need for the server.

    Add lumens rewards for finishing campaign quests at each region so people will have a reason to do it :P

    Is it possible to add solo version of popular instances such as AM/EF ? Not dropping gears from that instance but rather dropping manastones(could be composite) ,enchantment stones and skins version of armors from that instances instead ?

    Could do developing housing more than just kinah sink ? Like having training dummy ,customize dummy using from character creation and dress them with skins ? crafting inside your own house ? more blooms with various of items and if possible unify of one house for whole account ?

    Lastly not a requirement but should can you add custom skill chain from 5.x or classic server. This helps a lot for newbie players.

    Question do you plan to upgrade to 4.6 version ? I hope not because ancient coins are very expensive to farm I hate plume and enchanting accessories I think it's wasted.

    Thank you for reading I know you're a skilled coder so probably you can develop it. :)

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    • Official Post


    - We're slowly adding all skins that players suggest from time to time, adding all existing skins at once takes time and that why we're adding based on player suggestions, also we're holding some skins for events/battlepass only.
    - Campaign quests are alternative to grinding monsters for the players who enjoy the storyline of Aion, there is no need to add lumens there in order to push players to do it.
    - We cannot add instaces that are not designed to be in 4.6 patch but we also want to keep the current patch (3.9) as much close as Retail version.
    - It's not possible to change the whole housing system expecially adding inside the house all required crafting tables and NPC.
    - Chainskills, as you said it yourself are a feature from 5.x and cannot be implements in 4.6 retail files.
    - There is no plan to upgrade our version (3.9). There are already too many 4.x servers.

  • Hi sorry for late reply.

    AM/EF = Argent Manor/Elementis Forest are instances that introduced with 3.0 patch but I can't you can customized it to be solo version.

    Yes I understood, but to have a single player instance mean :

    1) Create a new entry for the istance which is not possible to do cause NCSoft did not design the game to have it.
    2) Change all rewards from monsters
    3) Change all HP and Stats for each one monster and boss
    So since 1st step can't be done, im afraid that AM/EF solo version will not be implemented

  • Maybe reduce AM / EF so 6 players can finish it (in an alliance).

    For legion quest u need it but nobody seems to level there legions .. so nobody runs it.

    I'm not a Fan to add Solo Content to a MMO Game, that feels wrong in so many ways.

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