QoLs for character progression

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  • Hello,

    Before I start please take note that this is my PoV, so take what I am about to say next with a grain of salt.

    After almost two weeks playing the server since release, I wanted to make a list of things that I thought were problematic and could need some balancing.

    • With currently a low population, there is no economy and kinah has almost no value, all necessary items to gear ourselves are found and kept by the player, and might be shared amongst a group of friend at best.
    • The drop rates being x1 (contrary to what a lot of ppl thought - looking at the website). Manastones, gears to extract are so too scarce and it's keeping us away from a linear gear progression.
    • The website's schedules page is not precise enough regarding sieges.
    • The sieges are happening at a too high frequency.

    These are the solutions I thought of :

    • Make a discord channel for trading, since kinah has no value, ppl could exchange items. The fact that the said channel would keep its logs indefinitely instead of using the trade channel or /3 from IG, which would loose its meaning because not everyone is online at all moment.
    • Maybe adding manastone bundles to some bosses would help players to gear themselves, and with enough time the surplus of manastones would make the kinah be used as a proper currency to trade goods.
    • Re-thinking the sieges timing and making it less often could help players attend more these, the "event" being rarer, it would incentivise the faction to organise more efficiently, and getting more pvp on top of that. Honestly it's a chore to attend everything, and IRL prevents the attendance even further.

    So these are things I also thought of that could improve the server.

    • Increasing the frequency of rifts, those are too rare.
    • Giving WorldBosess elden coin and other necessities to drop (if it is not the case already) just enough so that contesting said bosses attracts pvp.
    • Adding a little drop rate buff during the week-end. So that the players with less time can somewhat achieve a progression.
    • Some items (like anuharts gears) can not be extracted, it woud help a lot that you could do it.

    That being said, I don't know if all of the above is legit, but I think that it can be discussed and improved, now it all depends on other players and admins to act upon it.

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