Remove Platin Coins from Bosses

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  • Please remove the coins from the bosses.

    As already mentioned, you are taking away all the tasks. This is not a mid rate server.Everyone makes old accounts, runs taloc and trades coins to get PvP 50s ACC+ weapon for nothing.

    Then you might as well get us the 50 gear. That's no way to motivate people to run dungeons. People look for the path of least resistance.

    You can leave the coins in, but they should be more of a nice side gift when you complete the dungeon. So you can also just give it to the end boss that you are required to complete the dungeon. And put this in a good relation to the difficulty of the dungeon.

    So Taloc every boss 10 coins is too much. Considering that the box for the PvP jewellery and the weapon only costs 40 coins.

  • So you say WE should delete them completly? :)

    They got add exactly because people were crying that they couln't "abuse" Alt leveling to buy boxes. Some of us have full ap accesory already (even some GBG ones since AP + platinum medals are easier to get). I dont see an issue of having 10 plat coins from Taloc, to be honest. Is not like even if you "farm" them you will be anywhere, i got my accessories after 49 boxes. That's nearly 2k medals. Which means you will need to do nearly 200 taloc's hollow in order to achieve my unluck.

    And no, im not saying that they should get removed. Im saying as someone who already have what you can achieve from those boxes that everyone should have at least a chance aswell.

    Edited once, last by Lember (May 13, 2024 at 9:36 AM).

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