Posts by cryamana

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    "NotAion was by far the longest running server with the most players of any server out there for over 8 years"



    "And if a well managed NotAion would open again, it would be very successfull."

    Mid rates elden aion is not notaion server and and is a pvepvp server.


    "But this isnt the point here because noone is asking for instant progression, full pvp only server.
    people are asking for things to not be retail like, and for some more PvP enticement."

    Its like 20x faster than retail. Have a lot of facilities, npcs, items that retail didn't have, and which make the game easier. Much easier.


    "If you take retail like, with all its inconvenience, and bad designs that are just made to make you spend money, and you remove the "spend money" part, all that is left is just a very bad designed game. Artificially prolonged progression, manastone failrates, enchantment fail rates, randomt stats on gear.
    All that is designed to make you buy socketing aids, enchantment aids, gear reroll scrolls, drop boosters etc."

    You have TONS of elden medals just from playing. Constantly fast event with elden medals from drop. U have all this things exactly from one thing:


    "Enchantment rates are pretty much so bad here that i am forced to spend every single elden coin i get on 100% socketing aids. And i have already donated like 80€ most of those coins used to just socket my gear. Because there also is no retail like supply of manastones that you could just buy. If I farm 3 hours Dark Poeta with a drop boost, i might just get 3 Mboost stones. i am definitly not daring to waste those."

    Do gold coins and socket mb 25. They are practically free. Learn where MB27 drops, DP is not good place to farm. Mb27 is endgame, what u expect?


    " It takes weeks to month to grind PvP gear"

    People on retail and classic were farming almost year to get gear what people have here after 1-2 months. Its not even long in perspective of MMO game.


    "which leads people to try and find shortcuts, abuse siege gate mechanics for example, or they just quit right away. With sieges being a very sensitive to balance event, it is also very frustrating if you see the other faction has 3 times the players you have and winning is basically not an option."

    People always seach a easier way, like you now. It doesn't matter what the sieges look like. People in retail were abusing flying in walls, in euroaion most of the "top" ones had pads on them.


    "Yes you can Farm AP in Dark Poeta, and it only takes about 20 hours and 1900 elden coin to buy just the weapon, and even then you have 0 of the medals needed.
    Yes you could high theoretically farm AP in dungeons, half of them are locked behind enemy fortress gates and not accessible, and even if they would be accessible, it would be not quite rewarding at a measly 30k AP per day for running all 3 KKM instances with 6 people.
    And even if you do all that, your left with a very limited amount of platin medals to buy any meaning full gear, and again the access often even more limited due to siege situation. "

    20x faster than classic and retail. Again.


    "for example right now winning siege is out of the question, Contribution medals from sieging regardless is questionable if you dont win attack or dont deffend successfully your left with nothing. leaving you with taloc for 1 medal, and right now asmos still own one fort in gelk, making 2 extra platin medals. That is 3 medals a day, makes 39 days to just buy the weapon. "

    And u have medals from events and from pve too. Stop being that dramatic. Go for sieges, just be active, u can earn 5 plats from every fort, all u need is any effort.


    Dredgion is at such an inconvenient timing that if you want to be efficient you have to rush PvE dredd, because you only have 1 hour after siege for 3 runs. it would help if sieges would have a more sensible schedule, having siege every single day, is also a problem to both pvp and Pve players. PvE players can not do PvE content when they return from work in the evening because they are imediatly begged to help with siege, or they wont find players to form a group, and vice versa people are missing at siege because they rather do PvE.
    If you have lets say, Siege only every second or 3rd day in gelk, and every other day in upper abyss, those that want to do less zergy pvp can do dredds on the days off and the others can pve.

    People choose this schedule. When we had less sieges people asked for more of them to be added so that there would be more content and place for pvp.


    Another highly inconvenient design are stigma shards, it costs clerics, sorcs, chanters and some other clases an easy 3-5k stigma shards to switch from one build to the other. Making me think twice if I would do PvP now, because its a serious investment to switch to that build.

    Yes, this could be changed. Theres a lot of stigma shards from siege deffence, but i guess people dont sell it or put in legion werehouse.


    Open world is so non existant, that your PvP daily quests turn into weeklys, and even those you often cant finish.
    And Silentera was nerfed so dead that it is not worth for anyone to go there exept maybe absolute new players in need of platin coins.

    Silentra were totally overpowered. The idea of event was to bring players to pvp, but no one pvp here, just pve boxbiting. Its good its nerfed, should be like this from start, since still u have infinite place to farm AP, plat coins, mounts, potions and candies. People dont do pvp? All want pvp, no? So why its empty? Box are addition in place were all players can do pvp. Since no one is here, logically, few people care about ow.


    Elden Coins drop infront of gates have not had any effect as well, them being tradeable doesnt change anything, because again, there is no retail like economy, there is no assigned worth to a coin that you would be willing to pay. I have not seen anyone sell these or ask to buy them yet.

    Actually a lot of people is buying elden medals from other players. Not every player spend 80€ to get really easy items to get.


    Siege rewards for the Fort Conquerring legions are also too high. They are tuned for thousands of players not 50. Crafting potions, buff food, scrolls etc is pretty much obsolete because your flooded with them, which again , doesnt help the economy one bit.

    True. Such high rewards killing crafters and economy. That should be nerfed long time ago.


    You need to understand your playerbase, most of your players right now as far as i have heard and seen are former aion classic players, that didnt like how grindy and pay2win the NcSoft aproach is, and they come here hoping that it is significantly better here. Then they waste 50 manastones on a single piece of equipment, are forced into braindead grind content and realize, nothing here is different exept the missing shop to compensate for all that is bad.

    Again. Its MUCH MUCH MUCH easier than classic and than retail. Literally u can play 2-3h per day and have full gear.

    My conclusion is this: We got a very simplified, really good version of the server.
    It is full of facilities that P2W Classic has never had and will never have. You don't have to spend a penny on this game to have skins, candies, titles, socketings.
    A private server does not have to be a kindergarten where admins puts on your shoes and ties shoelaces.

    We ran everything as 3 people too. For BT we search some ppl over LFG too. Sometimes more than 30min, so we end doing 3ppl + alts. But this does not necessarily indicate that the server is in good condition. When one is not online, good luck finding game activity.

    Things just stopped being worth doing in my opinion... There is no benefit from siege, there is no benefit from doing BT for enchant farming, it is not worth doing DP for kinah and manastones, it is not worth doing Eso for AP, no worth doing dred for AP. Let's also remember that too many events are not good either, as well as too large rewards too. Like look now - u can go chunky sieges and got 20-30k AP in 1h or spend 1h in SC to have 100k AP+, medals, eldens, l110, potions, candies, plat coins...

    Aion is a PvePvP ginding game with daily activity, where u need both - pvp and pve to progress. If these everyday things are not worth to do, people will stop doing it. We need balance...

    But people still ask for everything to be easy and quick to get - a one way ticket to play a month and left. I think it's also very confusing for the administration, when people even constantly asking about increasing really big rewards.

    If its endgame crafting recipes, should not be easy to gain.

    People on 2.0-2.7 were using mostly blue/red potions, there is way easier craft than in origial retail aion, as crafters we should no complain.

    This is one of the ideas titled "Force everyone to play like I want". No one is stopping you from doing KKM. What's more - you can gain AP from forts AND make KKM. You can also... Just get AP from forts, You have a choice.

    Also, when fortresses change "owners" every siege, you can do KKM every day. I simply either reach before the siege time or after. Well, you could. With the current schedule you do them every two days, but you can still do both KKM and DUX.

    Besides, man, do you seriously think that people want to spend the entire 1 hour defending the fortress and then spend the next hours on the super boring KKM? If so, gather an alliance and deff. If others want like you, you will find people. Easy.

    Besides, when was the last time you were on siege? HP is boosted so much that gates take several minutes to beat with a really decent population of people. AP is also much less than before. Much more AP is gained from PVP in gelk than from the gate at resh. And now how do you see it? People are supposed to lose AP and die in siege to get zero DUX so you can get KKM? In the current situation, when they gain AP from a forts, they take it and... People can also do KKM?

    Dux and AP from siege, in the context of forts instances, are like eating your cake and still having a cake.