Posts by Burstdamage92

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    Hey there. I was just reading about the "new" event and I thought I comment about it and give it my one or two cent.

    The Event obviously only favors high geared players again as it always is on any kind of P-server. I think the gamemasters could at least let the chests be 1-5 hit so anyone who finds one high or low player actually have a chance of opening it before he gets ganked by gear lords.

    The other issue I have is the removal of the Platinum Medals in Adma Stronghold and Theobomos Lab. The problem is that players who knew about this exploited it hard so they already have maxed out pvp gear. Now the people who comes afterwards go out empty handed while the damage has already been done.

    Both of this topics just show how theres an inherent imbalance already considering the big gear difference between the players who knew and the players which are new to this server, and it will only grow worse at this point.

    An answer to this post by the every growing community would be highly appreciated.

    Sincerely, Burstdamage