Posts by theicewolf332

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    I am also active player. But this is seriouSly going to hell. Dunno how its on ely side but asmo side is considerably dead. From the view of new player who just strated and play asmo side the see no one LFG, empty broker and when they ask me how its going on here should I lied to them?

    I can play 1-2 hrs during week and few more during weekend. Only during night and its hard to find group, silentera farm is useless as its now bcs no pvp, chest not worth farming , only for mounth maybe. I agree with all statemets regardind events like silentera, esso above this reply.

    Always few ppl logged 24/7 got good items wiith those events and it was nerfed . Why activate it now ?

    Arena of coop would be fun too byt the reward is kinda low for me.

    Since I cant participate on every siege, mostly kkm during night and I also there noticed lowering num er of players bcs number of times when nobody gone to try capture it increased. Spamming taloc for 1 plat coing isnt really fun.

    Even in arenas you need ur alter or 90% of time you meet afk alt of someone else.

    My own biggest problem is enchanting and worst of all manastone socketing. Without 100% supplement failed 20 out of 25 stones. Even on retail is higher chance

    Hope we save this server with joined forces bcs I really like it here