Posts by Phantom

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    Those should never reward Mithril Medal.

    I understand your worries, but it worked well elsewehere, it kept alive Upper Abyss and Gelk/Ingi sieges for months, also on retail, from 4.x uppers gave mithril (I clearly remember because we were actively capturing them, since the exchange rate to ceranium medals were fairly good).
    I know it's just an idea, but clearly, everything is dead apart with the exception of Tia sieges...
    Also just now we lost Crimson Temple to Beep Beep, because people just don't even care to check what's up in those forts, fortunately Kisa woke us up from our slumber and gathered to make a small Vorgaltem defence (not many were interested of course).
    It would still worth a try...

    Hello everyone,

    Ever since the new patch came out, the rest of the sieges literally died down.
    We, as active players who wish for PvP as much as PvE content (some even more) would like to suggest to the Team:
    Please, make Abyss upper forts, Divine (if that's not the case already), Gelkmaros and Ingisson forts give Mithril medal as reward for defending/conquering fortresses.
    Eventually, reviewing the medal drops from various places like TiaEye boxes, Tiamat Fortress garden chest... these drop platinum medals instead of mithril.

    Unless if it's intentional, thank you for considering to make an overview.