Posts by Lember

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    Two things.

    1) You forgot to add Platinum coin chest on the Stormwing in Hard Mode in Beshmundir Temple.

    2) Its possible that the monsters on Beshmundir Temple were lv 60-65 and you just reduced their HP/Lv whatsoever and let rest of the stats intact? I have 2.3k accuracy as gladiator with chanter buffs and still missing 40% of my skills, sometimes even 3 in a row. I dont even count the amount of parry/blocks but i feel its too harsh for Melee classes to even do that instance. Got 3/5 stormwing set pieces full accuracy 20-27. How much accuracy do i need to achieve in order to stop missing? Not counting i will need to add +200 extra due to berserking making me lose 200 tho.

    NOT ASKING FOR A NERF. Just wondering. I dont remember missing this much with my ranger back in the 2.7, and i was full crit there, so i didnt even achieve 2.3k acc at all.

    So you say WE should delete them completly? :)

    They got add exactly because people were crying that they couln't "abuse" Alt leveling to buy boxes. Some of us have full ap accesory already (even some GBG ones since AP + platinum medals are easier to get). I dont see an issue of having 10 plat coins from Taloc, to be honest. Is not like even if you "farm" them you will be anywhere, i got my accessories after 49 boxes. That's nearly 2k medals. Which means you will need to do nearly 200 taloc's hollow in order to achieve my unluck.

    And no, im not saying that they should get removed. Im saying as someone who already have what you can achieve from those boxes that everyone should have at least a chance aswell.

    Since we have 4.6 client we should have the integrated feature of open items like Traveler's Bundle or Aether by the amount we select and the game will open them slowly and solo. Consider implementing that quality of life for us, please. Opening more than 1k of aether by macroing is exhasting, and some of us doesnt want to install external programs like auto-clickers or AHK

    Hey there.

    Current legion task are for the version 3.0. Since those should get fixed, im suggesting this changes;

    Curent quests based per Legion Level

    Legion level 5 tasks

    Enter Nochsana Training Camp and kill Nochsana 6 times.
    Enter Aetherogenetics Lab and kill RM-78c 12 times
    Enter Raksang and kill Rakshang 42 times

    Legion level 6 tasks

    Run Fire Temple and kill Kromede 12 times
    Run upper Udas Temple and kill Nexus 24 times
    Run Argent Manor and kill Zadra Spellweaver and kill him 84 times

    Legion level 7 tasks

    Enter Adma Stronghold and kill Lord Lanmark 24 times
    Enter lower Udas Temple and kill Debilkarim the Maker 48 times
    Enter Muada’s Trencher and kill Empress Muada 168 times

    Legion level 8 task

    PvE quests:

    Run Draupnir Cave and kill Bakarma 12 times
    Run Beshmundir Temple and kill Stormwing 24 times
    Run Rentus Base and kill Brigade General Vasharti 168 times

    PvP quests:

    Kill 5 Asmodians in the Abyss, 84 times
    Kill 5 asmodians in Tiamaranta, 84 times
    Kill 5 asmodias, 84 times (not sure where, could you just check? If is not a 3.0 map, change it for it).

    PvP Siege quests:

    Take one of the lower forts in the Abyss, 24 times
    Take one of the upper forts in the Abyss, 24 times
    Take Divine Fortress, 24 times
    Take one of the forts from Inggison, 48 times
    Take one of the forts in Tiamaranta, 96 times

    Once your legion hits lvl 8, all quests become repeatable

    So what extra rewards will you get from this new tasks?
    PvE rewards:

    Grade 1: 6 Mithril medals
    Grade 2: 3 Greater Ancient Goblet
    Grade 3: 5 Attack +5 manastones
    Grade 4: 9 Legion coins

    PvP rewards:

    Grade 1: 10 Mithril medals
    Grade 2: 4 Major Ancient Crowns
    Grade 3: 4 Greater Ancient Crowns
    Grade 4: 17 Legion coins

    PvP Siege rewards:

    Grade 1: Elite Grade Sword(looks like a skin)
    Grade 2: 10 Mithril Medals
    Grade 3: 6 Major Ancient Goblets
    Grade 4: 34 Legion coins

    My suggestion changes;

    Level 5; Change "Enter Raksang and kill Rakshang 42 times" for "Enter Haramel and kill Hamerun the Bleeder 42 times"
    Level 6: Change "Run Argent Manor and kill Zadra Spellweaver and kill him 84 times" for "Enter Taloc's Hollow and kill Celestius 24 times"
    Level 7: Change "Enter Muada’s Trencher and kill Empress Muada 168 times" for "Enter Kromede's Trial and kill Kaliga the Unjust (hard mode) 36 times"
    Level 8: Change "Run Rentus Base and kill Brigade General Vasharti 168 times" for "Run Beshmundir Temple and kill Flarestorm 48 times"
    Level 8: Change "Take Divine fortress 24 times" for another fortress / task
    Level 8: Change "Take one of the forts in Tiamaranta" for another fortress / task
    Level 8: Change "Kill asmodians/Elyo in Tiamaranta" for another zone (could be Heiron/Eltnen if rifts are 55)

    Repeatables after completing everything;
    Change: Mithril Medals for Platinum Medals.
    Change: x5 Attack+5 Manastone for x5 (remove Bundle of regenerating Manastones from it, leave the rest since are the most usefull ones for overall builds).


    Hey there.

    Few things;

    Aturam Sky Fortress can't be completed. You can defead the first boss Popuchin, but the items it drops are for level 56. The second boss (located at Ashunatal's Ready Room) we can't access to it because the Steam Tachysphere is not working due to the lack of quests.
    Also im not sure if in 4.6 the dungeon was cap with the third boss, but we can't access the Talon Laboratory because the door is locked (due to lack of a quest, i guess)

    [Daily] A Taste For Adventure is not working properly. Has been 3 days checking the spots were the Ginseng should spam and is not there.

    We can buy Lv 56+ stigmas on the Npcs located in Sanctum and other spots. might cause future issues with people not properly reading the level requirement.

    Abyss instances are meant for level 65 people, not 55 (talking about KKM).

    There are several Pets on the shop that are Time limited that has an absurd cost of Coins (screenshot just show some), kinda the same as permanent pets. Either remove them, or make them really cheap (20-50 medals?). Makes no sense to have them at such high price.

    Taunt from Warrior class is not correctly working / the enmity amount is low as fuck. Been spamming that skill every 12 seconds (off CD) while playing with Defence Preparaiton that increases further the Enmity you cause by attacks and yet im not able to hold aggro of anything, even the clerics are getting aggro with the heals while they use their -Enmity skill.
