Posts by Nico0907

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    People might hate this idea But the Tiamat siege ends Too fast and too easely...

    Guards and bosses are level 55, How about we turn them level 60 and increase a little Boss HP ?

    On Divine, the siege always end with a Tie. Maybe Nerf Ereshgikal claw HP and Power or change the Time of Divine schedule to let one faction have it ?


    I have to idea to Buff the KROTAN KYSIS MIREN INSTANCE.

    Mobs inside are actually level 45. which is Low... would be better to set them at level 50 for more challenge and More rewards

    For the final chests : each box contain a box for mana stone and a box of AP Relic and incrase the rewards to make it worth it.

    thats my idea for KKM, Thanks


    I would make the suggestion to add proxies for Canadians / Americans players.

    For exemple my friend which is from Canada has alot of ping (110 ms) has alot of issues to play. But with a Proxy, he would have a better ping.

    Its good to take care of asmos side But when i see Asmos have 48% (normally should he 92% without the katalam forts influence which are still in game) We Elyos side Dont have any PVP Buff since we have Less than 30% influence. (When i make this message we 8%)

    So im Asking to the Devs : Where is the PVP Buff ? You make the game balanced ? Remove the Katalam / Tiamaranta forts influence because they are Still in game dont let elyoses have the Ariel blessing, would be the same for asmo side with Azphel Curse when they'll be ender 30% influence.

    Hello Devs.

    I have the idea to lower the level requirement to UNSTALBE ABYSS SPLINTER (60 to 55) and also lower the level of the mobs and bosses inside (60 to 55).

    This instance can gives : AP Relics, mana stones supplements, medals and Kinahs. (Note : the Staff can also custom the loots to make the chests drop anything else...)

    The players will have the choise to beat the Final boss on Normal mode or HARDMODE. by destroying the artefacts after slaying bosses.

    the Final boss on HARDMODE can give an Eternal gear part or Eternal Weapon.

    That was my idea for UNSTABLE ABYSS SPLINTER. Merci.
