Posts by Dave

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    Hello, can you please increase rift up times? Like everyday specially those Morh <-> Eltnen, Heiron <-> Belu ones. Like every two hour rotation everyday.

    No u don’t get it from the Box. But the instance is easy, endboss is already nerfed. U Can do it easy with 4 ppl in 30 min. Its the best pvp pole and shouldnt be easy to get.

    It's best for lvl 50, when I played twink lvl 55 on 3.X I prefered eternal poles over baka since you lack crucial stats (attack, HP, some crit, MA...)
    So there is no point to keep baka rare imo

    Best pve gear in pvpve game isnt best you can have :D Did you read what I was writing? People who play Aion are "old". I dont wanna grind game, thats why I play private servers. This game is fun because of PvP. Simple. I agree that for pvp set you must work on effort. But why the hell I should play everyday for 2 freaking years just to get good pve set. Why? Do you know why people dont play Aion? Grind. Do you know what is pain of getting Baka spear? Or chaos extendables? I know. I did it. I had timers, groups, several accounts with characters just to spot things. Full account of SM's just for summoning. It was dumb. So much effort to get one stupid weapon. Then they just updated game and everything was gone. Nice. Grind again. I just dont want grind times again. Simple, thats why this suggestion, I see you two guys dont like it. Calling me to dont play if I dont like grind. :D sure bro, against who will you play in one year? One month of everyday grind is ENOUGH to get you full set. People have life, people wont grind every day so that makes full set in more than one month. And still you have 5 slot pve set, simple 50e can melt you with np. Idk why people are mad about stupid pve sets :D still, NCC is better option and I'm not suggesting boost courage insignias. Nowadays you can get PVP gear faster than PVE gear. Great logic

    Noble tac is literally best in slot armor/weapons. 5 days for a piece? Its insane. If you want medal, level up characters to 55 and spam the dungeon and arenas with it, you get pretty insane amount of medals doing that already, there is no need to boost anything of those medals. People should NOT be full gear in a month (which btw you can if you abuse alts, like it always happen)

    Dude, one month is super fine to get good pve armor. We are not in official Aion. People as I imagine play this server, because we dont have time like back in the days, grinding 24/7... Most of us are already around 30, got families, jobs, life... Why should I play slow private server with 1/10 of population of official if I cant get things faster? Full set in month is just if you play daily - which again is not really possible. You get insane starter gear which is same as Anuhart but you cant get PvE improvment for month of daily playing? I am not planning to spam repetitve instances daily with xy chars just to get gear, I wanna have main char + 2-3 alts. Thats still 6 months (for me) to get sets for 3-4 chars. With current rates its 2years. I wont be playing Aion in 2 years :D there is no content for that either I get bored of repetitivnes or lack of gear. And still best fun in game is PvP which is never repetitive. Idk.

    No, drops from Chaos are rare as well thats why they are so expensive everywhere :D compensation for time and potions are bit much as well.

    Unless, it would be nice if those rare drops occurs more often. At least one gold per kill is nice for all <50lvl stuff (baka, Kromede, open world drops such as saen, alukina, chaos...) good for economy as well as for more low lvl pvp

    Hello dear Admins, I would suggest drastical boost for solo (and group) crucible dungeons (if you are solo you can get 460+350 crucibles daily) NTO gear, which is great PVE gear should be able to get more easily. We need ~ 500k crucible insignias for full set which make this set unreachable.

    I am not talking about Arenas! Those rates are super fine. PvP gear should be somehow challenging to get.

    But if there are solo players, classes that are not really good from start, they should be able to get set easier not just grind 2years of instance.

    10k of Crucibles daily is fair enough I think, 5 days per armor piece or 7days per noble piece.

    Please consider increasing rate of daily Crucible Insignias in dungs. Thanks