Posts by OTHA

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    Hello, a friend of mine told me that He saw remodeling between armor types enabled once on some other server. Would it be possible to make this happen here as well? Like remodeling plate onto cloth pieces to make some awesome battle mage look ect. It could do wonders for fashion imho. ^^

    Edit: Plus it would give peoples more opportunity to buy Skins probably.

    Hello, are you referring to shop skins or game armours? :)

    Hello, as it's very easy to hit cap level, the event was builded to bring back some PvP to Silentera Canyon.

    About Adma and Theo Lab, we understand your POV but at same time, people were exploiting the Adma Quest to get an insane advantage. We decided to decrease the chance to get Platinum Medals from Adma/Theo in order to push players to partecipate to sieges instead of living hidden inside istances.
    I hope you understand :) Have a nice day

    Hello. Could be possible to add on the item description on the shop when a item is not tradeable? Specially on skins. We just got the one on the picture (and we dont actually like how it looks ingame) so we were thinking to maybe sell it to earn some kinah in exchange of spending 300 elden coin and its actually untradeable.

    Hello, Lember, I perfectly understand and we will see what we can do about that :)
    What I can tell you right now is :
    As you can see on every item in the shop there's Item ID linked. You can copy and paste in game. It will show all infos about the item :)

    Hello Dante, we understand your point of view.
    Our Siege Schedule is in Beta. We're testing it.
    In the future there will be new polls.
    We're working to provide the best experience to all players, it just takes a bit of time.

    Hello there!

    I would like to ask, is it possible to double the winnings? Noble things are so hard to get with a single account :( GBG so much better so its not brake the server.

    Thank you for your work! Have a nice day!

    Hello Dante, I understand your point of view but we're not going to double the winning rewards :) Arena set is a very good alternative to abyss 55 so it should take time to be done.
    Have a nice day :)

    The daily quest change based on your craft level.
    - 1 Token 400p Recipe
    - 2 Tokens 450p Recipe
    - 3 Tokens 500p Recipe

    Depending on your craft level you can randomly get any of those quests.

    Example : At 449p you can receive 1 or 2 token quest -- At 500+ you can receive 1 or 2 or 3 token quest.

    Weekly quests are Level 56 and 57 so not avaiable in this patch.

    Dear Admins,

    It would be possible to adjust the Draupnir Cave instance a bit? It's still pretty damn tough in time to get through the 4 bosses to spawn Commander Bakarma, even at lvl55 with a geared group. With 4 people in the group (that means 3 dps, 1 healer) we can do it in half an hour, but it takes half an hour of 4 people every day, not talking about the drop rate of the spear (because of course, that's the only reason why people do this instance even at lvl55)... So we usually do it like 3 times a day, it takes minimum one and a half hour to try to get that spear. To be honest its pretty damn tiring to do this every day... I've talked to more gladiators on the server, others are getting burned out because of this as well. I don't mean to increase the drop rate of the spear, but at least, can you please lower the hp of the 4 bosses before Bakarma at least, or something like that?

    Thank you in advance,


    Hello Ryno,
    This server is not meant to be a PvP server where you can get everything in couple days.
    Our team is working hard to give the best experience to all players, which include also the daily farm of instances in order to get needed items.


    I'm here as a representative of the four biggest Asmodian Legions (But I'm sure that many other players in both faction with agree with my following sentences - had some feedback from elyos players too).
    We managed to keep asmodian faction together during siege. People are actively partecipating to sieges, but we also noticed that the amount of ongoing sieges everyday is really high.
    Most of the people are actually choosing between doing Siege or doing PvE content.
    We talked to each other during previous week and we decided to ask for a recudction of weekly siege schedule.
    I perfectly understand that PvP and Siege is part of Aion Gameplay and that many players are enjoying it but with the current schedule, people don't really have much time for PvE content between one siege and another.
    If you have many active players then it doesn't really matter if few groups goes to PvE content during Siege time but at the current state of the server, missing 6 or 12 players mean having no siege at all.
    Our suggestion is to modify the current siege schedule (just for now - maybe couple months) with the following siege schedule.
    Thanks from all of us :)