Suggestions for Enhancing the PVP Experience: Events and Quests

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  • Hello Dear development team!:saint:

    Within our legion, we have been thinking of some ideas to enhance the PVP aspect of the game with smaller events, quests, etc. We noticed that since there are fewer Sieges, there could be some extra entertainment for the players to acquire valuable items through PVP.

    Crab Event

    In Silentra Canyon, Crabs would spawn randomly, from which quest items could be farmed for both factions. Turning these items in to an event NPC would allow players to open bags/boxes containing development items (enchant, manastone), random skins, random shop items, Elden Medals, etc.

    FFA (Free-For-All)

    At certain intervals, a Dredgion-like registration tab could open (or perhaps a chat command like /ffa to register), where 5-10 players can sign up to compete against each other. Each kill would earn 200 AP (if possible, the kills should not affect ranks). There could also be a point system like in Crucible Challenge, with point-giving items appearing on the map (100-200-500), helping those who might not be as skilled or geared. Matches could last 3-5 minutes, and AP and Elden Medals rewards would be distributed based on ranking at the end.
    It would be great if members of the same faction could fight against each other, so we wouldn't have to wait for players from the other faction like in Dredgion.

    Daily/Repeatable Bounty Hunter Quest

    A quest available in the main city, requiring players to kill 5-10-20 enemy faction members in Silentra Canyon. This quest could be turned in at a common NPC in SC, allowing for camping of the NPC. After turning in the quest, players could collect something (medal, quest item, anything) to exchange at the NPC's shop for valuable items like shop items, enchants, manastones, kinah, etc.

    Gelk/Inggi Fortress Area Special Drop

    Special mobs around the fortresses that drop small rewards (coins, medals, enchants, manastones) when killed.

    We hope this can support the server's development and maintain the entertainment for the players.:saint:

  • If I may add :
    The best place if you want to create a content PvPvE area would be silentera (and give access to it 100% of the time ofc otherwise it doesnt work)

    As I recall there are monsteres called Laksyaka or such, there are huge possibility to create an actual elite area, I've always thought that the cretors or this patch forgot to give sense to this area that is the real center of the whole balaurea (in 2.7) :)
    If you are ever interested by that tell me if you'd like to have a talk :)

    Cheers !

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