Pots and crafting

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  • I would like to know the Players that got the Fine Recovery Serum Recipe.

    If anyone had the drop luck, it would be in the broker - The Recipe or the Serums.

    We really need a solution for 2.7 endgame crafting recipes, cuz the broker is still empty.

  • I would like to know the Players that got the Fine Recovery Serum Recipe.

    If anyone had the drop luck, it would be in the broker - The Recipe or the Serums.

    We really need a solution for 2.7 endgame crafting recipes, cuz the broker is still empty.

    I just created a ticket about drops and this recipe. After not even debating on those points with GMs they just closed the ticket.

    The same thing happened to me. I opened two threads about loot, drops, and recipes/crafting, and both were rejected... At least the prices for the recipes could have been reduced, but I have the feeling that if it's not about PvP or dungeons, it's immediately rejected...i dont get it why....broker/traidingpost is nearly empty because nobody is crafting or goes open World.....

  • Hello, let me start by saying that, we are not rejecting or ignoring the thread.

    We have been checking the drops and so far, the design drops from all world mobs in Inggison/Gelkmaros with a natural drop rate, which means, not too easy not too hard.

    Increasing the rate significantly would have 2 outcomes, the first would be players could acquire the design easily by killing a couple of mobs, the second is that in the future as the population grows we would not be able to safely reduce the rate as some would mention on how it would be "unfair".

    So, what we have in mind is simple, we will organize a couple of events in which we will grant a chance to access the design and also organizing events which will grant players with daily potions, in a balanced way that prevents abuse.

  • Hello, we're not going to reduce the price of Recipe. Game was designed this way. You need time to farm and gather the needed items :) It's no impossible to get, you just have to have a little patience :saint:

    Oh Lord! The game (PATCH 2.7) was not designed like this. There were no NPC daily quests and there were no low-level drops (see 55 Balaur) in the mobs. So please stop calling this custom downpatch (4.6 to 2.7) correct!! Changes are constantly being made here whenever it seems right to you, BUT when someone wants to go the right Way, it gets blocked and the Thread is ignored or closed. And I say it again: if it’s not about PvP or an Adjustment for a Dungeon, it’s immediately rejected! BUT now I finally understand it: Your Server, your Rules. And PLEASE stop calling yourselves a 2.7 retail Server because you are far from it!!

    Oh, and by the way, there are Players on this Server who are already fully Equipped with PvP gear due to bug/glitch exploits (Tiamaranta Eye), and is that fair? Well, this is my last post in this forum because it’s pointless to keep trying here. It’s just another private Server that hasn't been properly thought through.

  • Oh Lord! The game (PATCH 2.7) was not designed like this. There were no NPC daily quests and there were no low-level drops (see 55 Balaur) in the mobs. So please stop calling this custom downpatch (4.6 to 2.7) correct!! Changes are constantly being made here whenever it seems right to you, BUT when someone wants to go the right Way, it gets blocked and the Thread is ignored or closed. And I say it again: if it’s not about PvP or an Adjustment for a Dungeon, it’s immediately rejected! BUT now I finally understand it: Your Server, your Rules. And PLEASE stop calling yourselves a 2.7 retail Server because you are far from it!!

    Oh, and by the way, there are Players on this Server who are already fully Equipped with PvP gear due to bug/glitch exploits (Tiamaranta Eye), and is that fair? Well, this is my last post in this forum because it’s pointless to keep trying here. It’s just another private Server that hasn't been properly thought through.

    First of all, we answered to many posts same as yours at the same way. We told several times that we're not reducing the price for the recipe. We will organize event where you will have the chance to get the recipe you need as Gee told in previous answer :)
    We made most of our changes based on community suggestions and request in order to satisfy everyone but sometimes we can't just do everything that people ask. You should be able to understand it yourself that we can't give everything to everyone. We discussed several times about changes.

    PS (MY ANSWER TO YOU AS PLAYER) : I am a players just like you. I'm a crafter, just like you, im doing daily token quest, just like you. It takes time, you can easily craft the Major Recovery Serum untill you will get the Fine Recovery Serum recipe, like I'm doing, im farming several hours in gelk everyday. There's no need to complain on every single item/quest/admin decission. They are working constatly 24/7 to provide the best solution for every player but harrassing/insulting/complaining 24/7 won't help them at all.

  • Oh Lord! The game (PATCH 2.7) was not designed like this. There were no NPC daily quests and there were no low-level drops (see 55 Balaur) in the mobs. So please stop calling this custom downpatch (4.6 to 2.7) correct!! Changes are constantly being made here whenever it seems right to you, BUT when someone wants to go the right Way, it gets blocked and the Thread is ignored or closed. And I say it again: if it’s not about PvP or an Adjustment for a Dungeon, it’s immediately rejected! BUT now I finally understand it: Your Server, your Rules. And PLEASE stop calling yourselves a 2.7 retail Server because you are far from it!!

    Oh, and by the way, there are Players on this Server who are already fully Equipped with PvP gear due to bug/glitch exploits (Tiamaranta Eye), and is that fair? Well, this is my last post in this forum because it’s pointless to keep trying here. It’s just another private Server that hasn't been properly thought through.

    Correct, the 2.7 Patch was not designed like this since there was lack of NPC daily quests, which means crafting and loot was way harder back then while here there is a boost by having the daily quest NPC alone.

    Also that is completely false that anyone got full pvp gear from any glitch/bug from Tiamaranta's Eye, at this point you are only spreading fake news, the players who "took" advantage of the teleport to Tiamaranta and captured 2 Forts, made up less than 20k of AP each, since rate was also much lower than now, which was then removed from their characters.

    I would recommend you to stick to facts instead of spreading false information about things you aren't aware about, also there isn't yet any player that is full pvp equipped with the highest set because, despite the medium rates, it still takes some time to farm the required amounts.

    We take every feedback into consideration and balance the server accordingly to players needs, now personally attacking the staff is certainly not the way to get your voice heard.

  • If its endgame crafting recipes, should not be easy to gain.

    People on 2.0-2.7 were using mostly blue/red potions, there is way easier craft than in origial retail aion, as crafters we should no complain.

    Its still a private server and if we would like to exp. retail or classic we would play there.

    We try to fill up the broker - a empty broker is a bad sign for new players.

    A empty broker - is a sign for low or inefficient playerbase.

    100 Days of token farming is tbh to much for a private server. We dont have the" lucky guy "that got fine recovery serum recipe as a drop till now.

    Then we should also change BTHM back to the original. Cuz its endgame should not be easy to gain.

  • Its still a private server and if we would like to exp. retail or classic we would play there.

    We try to fill up the broker - a empty broker is a bad sign for new players.

    A empty broker - is a sign for low or inefficient playerbase.

    100 Days of token farming is tbh to much for a private server. We dont have the" lucky guy "that got fine recovery serum recipe as a drop till now.

    Then we should also change BTHM back to the original. Cuz its endgame should not be easy to gain.

    BTHM has been matched to the original values the first week of the server launch.

  • I think that the aion 4.0+ patches made players a bit too greedy.

    i mean... We are playing on patch 2.7, which is much easier than the original. The administration gave us a lot of facilities in terms of experience, grinding and farming.

    In the case of crafting:

    - We got 500% chap craft scroll in elden shop, also totally free scrolls just from lvling

    - We got free craft items everyday in elden Shop

    - We got events with things to use, like 60m scrolls, major abyss potions

    - People have scrolls and fine recovery potions from defence. More than is needed with that small population. I guess it doesn't improve the amount of potion on the broker.

    And for sure... a lot of more.

    The mob drop is much better than the original, recipe used to be one of the rarest items in the game...

    This game is not impossible without these recipes. Fine recovery and potions for natural mana/HP Regen are resources used in patch 4-4.6 as base, where mobs fight more and people have more HP than in 2.7.

    In this patch slightly weaker pots are more than enough to do pvp/PvE..

    I'm not even mentioning that you can morph major>fine...

    There was a time when there weren't even NPCs with tokens. So if u want more, more, more and more - why people should not spamming to increase amount of other tokens too? Radians for example?

    "it's private server, it's private server" This does not mean that the administration should suddenly give everyone everything for free, with zero effort and immediately.

    Look at the long term.

  • If u cant def anything u wont have those potions and they are important in pvp.

    Im fine with farming those tokens but not over 100 days for 1 recipe.

    And yeah its a private server - if i want to gind like insane i play on a korean server.

    They changed it and and i am happy with that.

    Now we need 53 days for the biggest recipe and thats fine.

  • I know I said/wrote that I don't want to post in the forum anymore...blah blah, BUT it is and remains a private server and here WE have the opportunity to create a great 2.7 experience, and constant adjustments are being made in PvP (HP, Medals, Siege time). Why? Exactly because the server is still growing, and it is good that these changes are being made. However, one must not forget the PvE part because it is also still growing, and all we want is for us to be helped with that too (adjustments just like in PvP). I think it's good that the daily craft quest now gives a few more tokens (THANK YOU FOR THAT). NO ONE wants anything for free, WE want to play and have fun on this server!

    And now another REQUEST, please please REMOVE the low-level Balaur mats from the 54-55 Balaur mobs. I am not asking to add or increase anything, JUST to remove these items from the mobs (after all, you also removed the gunner and bard items from the drop list)!

    Maybe I'll create a separate thread for this ;).

    PS: Gee and the EldenAion Team, I have never personally attacked anyone from the EldenAion team nor did I intend to. All I want is to have a good gaming experience here, AND I greatly appreciate your work and the daily patches! Thank you!:thumbup::!:

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