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  • I know I said/wrote that I don't want to post in the forum anymore...blah blah, BUT here is a new Suggestion,

    Please Please REMOVE the low-level Balaur mats from the 54-55 Balaur mobs in Open World. I am not asking to add or increase anything, JUST to REMOVE these items from the Mobs.

    You have also done it here in the Update Notes ( Update notes [06/19/2024] - Bug fixes & adjustments ).

    I beg you, please just this one correction.....I don't know what else I can do but beg you, please, please, please ;(:!:.

    And I don't know if you read it in my last post, but if not, here it is again:

    Gee and the EldenAion Team, I have never personally attacked anyone from the EldenAion team nor did I intend to. All I want is to have a good gaming experience here, AND I greatly appreciate your work and the daily patches! Thank you!:thumbup::!:

  • Thank you for the response. In the next few days, I will try to find the IDs for the mobs. I hope this helps you a bit.;)

    PS: Just an example, if low-level gear (Tahabata) were to suddenly drop in Beshmundir Temple, it would be corrected as it is not end-level stuff.

  • Hi, so these are all the IDs I could find, maybe I forgot some (Inggison). For the missing IDs from Inggison, feel free to add them here, especially since I'm missing the level 55 non-elite Balaur...


    Non Elite Balaur LvL 55:

    Undead Drakan Researcher ID: 217087
    Naduka Battlemage ID: 216104 / 216449
    Naduka Seeker ID: 216108 / 216109
    Naduka Raider ID: 216107 / 216450
    Naduka Priest ID: 216112 / 216451
    Naduka Crusader ID: 216101 / 216448
    Naduka Bonesetter ID: 216117
    Naduka Quartermaster ID: 216115
    Naduka Warmage ID: 216116

    Non Elite Balaur LvL 54:

    Naduka Surgeon ID: 216446 / 216447
    Naduka Enforcer ID: 216445 / 216444

    Elite Balaur LvL 55:

    Mitrakand Hunterkiller ID: 216121 / 216812
    Mitrakand Drakan Destroyer ID: 216119 / 216806 / 216804
    Mitrakand Raider ID: 216120 / 216808 / 216811 / 216810
    Mitrakand Gallowglass ID: 216122 / 216817 / 216816
    Mitrakand Lifekeeper ID: 216123 / 216823 / 216822 / 216821 / 216820

    Naduka Battleblade ID: 217123
    Naduka Vaegir ID: 216125 / 216828
    Naduka Musclemender ID: 217127
    Naduka Eyewalker ID: 216126 / 216832
    Naduka Magus ID: 216127 / 216839
    Naduka Sorrowbringer ID: 216124 / 216826 / 216824
    Naduka Trapsetter ID: 217124
    Naduka Meatfixer ID: 216128 / 216840

    Silentrea Canyon

    Laksyaka Bloodboss ID: 216372
    Laksyaka High Magus ID: 216373
    Laksyaka Chief Medic ID: 216376
    Laksyaka Head Marksman ID: 216375


    Elite Balaur LvL 55:

    Hanarkand Seeker ID: 215770 / 217047 / 217048
    Hanarkand Thrasher ID: 215768 / 217043 / 217044
    Hanarkand Mystic ID: 215771 / 217049 / 217050
    Hanarkand Boneminder ID: 215772 / ID: 217051 / 217052
    Hanarkand Elite Raider ID: 215769 / 217045 / 217046
    Hanarkand Curatus ID: 215777 / 217061 / 217062
    Hanarkand Triaris ID: 215775 / 217057 / 217058
    Hanarkand Legatus ID: 215773 / 217053 / 217054

    Basrasa Rioter ID: 215746
    Basrasa Hunterkiller ID: 215748
    Basrasa Sawbones ID: 215750
    Basrasa Rampager ID: 215749

    Non Elite Balaur LvL 54:

    Basrasa Deathwalker ID: 216472
    Basrasa Farmer ID: 216473
    Basrasa Medic ID: 215635
    Basrasa Infantry ID: 215632 / 216730
    Basrasa Vaegir ID: 215633 / 216731
    Basrasa Sentry ID: 215634

    I hope you really manage to make the adjustment. Thank you.

    Edited once, last by Obrygon (June 28, 2024 at 12:53 PM).

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