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Weekend Event: Bonus XP : x4
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  • Hello EA Team!

    I don't know, when end the new event, but the solo players can't farm the 800 item for the weapon skin, if they have not a premade grp. The ppls don't go to BT, or etc, because the population is not too big atm. So my request would be if we could possibly extend it by a week, if ended at June 8? Thx!

  • I support the request of Lezli. I never even start to grind for an event rewards because I know I don't have the chance at all to get them. For us, working people its like impossible to get that much of event items in the period, plus as Lezli says, fiding groups is very hard nowdays. Also my legion mates don't have enough time to play, but if they had time, I wouldn't want to press them to come Esoterrace or instances like that in their free time just to get event rewards if they don't like to do it. I really like the Fire dragon weapon skins for example, but at that time, I wasn't able to do it as i mentioned. Could we have a chance - mostly solo players - to get those rewards?

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