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  • Heyyy there, Veteran player here with a couple of ideas, issues noticed and just general input.

    first off some compliments, server is running smooth, i encouterd about 0 bugs that would interfere with gameplay this makes Elden Aion surely one of the top servers ive been on over the last decade.

    Now to some issues regarding general gameplay:
    Enchanting: Manastones and Enchantment rates are bad as hell, feels even worse then retail. On Eternal gear i almost never get 2 consecutive manastones in, ive wasted stacks of 100 manastones on a single gear piece. This feels like forcing me to save all my elden coins to buy 100% socketing aids, which i am okey to use for the last 2 maybe even 3 slots but not for every single one of them.

    Enchantment also feels quite bad, Ive wasted a bunch of 85-100 Enchantment stones on an Eternal 55 weapon, 90% of them failed, leaving my weapon on +2 this far..

    Problem with these two topics is mainly that we dont have a retail like economy to use retail like enchantment. There is no supply of enchantment stones in broker, Kinah is inflated anyways, so this simply doesnt quite work.

    Sieges: ive noticed a paticular problem with sieges...and that is egoistical gameplay. It happens mostly on Ely side as far as ive seen, where the people dont go in ally anymore and instead try solo or small groups with siegeweapons to get all the AP off gates for themselves.. which granted, its the most efficient way right now to get AP gear fast as you get around 100-200k AP per gate if solo or duo. This leads to chaotic sieges, and frustrated players that want to siege but dont get anything from it because some people claim 99% of the AP for themselves.
    I know you cant quite fix the Ego problem of people, but maybe there is a work around to add relics to siege rewards and remove AP from gates in exchange. Forcing people to make good tactics and lead good Alliances for AP rather then everybody trying to fight for themselves.

    General lack of PvP: Also partly a people problem, but I also think pvp isnt quite encouraged here, altough its a big part of Aion. Maybe it is lack of motivation to pvp since its not that rewarding, maybe its a feeling of not having a chance anyways since your starting with absolutely 0 pvp gear and have to fight veteran players in maxed out everything.
    My idea is to give new players e30 or e40 pvp gear to starts. to both sides. Just to enable people to play PvP from the start and not first do weeks of PvE to finaly get some gear to start even trying pvp. these old sets provide some dearly needed PvP deffence stats, while still leaving big gap to the 50+ sets for improvement.

    Well thats all I had on my mind right now.
    keep up the good work and have a nice day!

  • Now to some issues regarding general gameplay:
    Enchanting: Manastones and Enchantment rates are bad as hell, feels even worse then retail. On Eternal gear i almost never get 2 consecutive manastones in, ive wasted stacks of 100 manastones on a single gear piece. This feels like forcing me to save all my elden coins to buy 100% socketing aids, which i am okey to use for the last 2 maybe even 3 slots but not for every single one of them.

    I could agree with manastones being a little issue, specially the ones you cant direcly craft (like MR/macc). The 4.8+ system of not breaking all manastones upon fail would be great, you will still fail a lot and consume alot of manastones, but wont be as painfull as it is right now.

    Enchantment also feels quite bad, Ive wasted a bunch of 85-100 Enchantment stones on an Eternal 55 weapon, 90% of them failed, leaving my weapon on +2 this far..

    Problem with these two topics is mainly that we dont have a retail like economy to use retail like enchantment. There is no supply of enchantment stones in broker, Kinah is inflated anyways, so this simply doesnt quite work.

    I sadly cannot agree with this. There is ways to obtain decent amount of Enchant stones that people dont even bother trying it. There are ways to boost sucess rate that people totally refuses to use. Yes, for newbies might be hard, but we all been there.
    Game is designed to be play with multiple characters, yet people doesnt want/cant; You wont get as much progression as people as do.

    Sieges: ive noticed a paticular problem with sieges...and that is egoistical gameplay. It happens mostly on Ely side as far as ive seen, where the people dont go in ally anymore and instead try solo or small groups with siegeweapons to get all the AP off gates for themselves.. which granted, its the most efficient way right now to get AP gear fast as you get around 100-200k AP per gate if solo or duo. This leads to chaotic sieges, and frustrated players that want to siege but dont get anything from it because some people claim 99% of the AP for themselves.
    I know you cant quite fix the Ego problem of people, but maybe there is a work around to add relics to siege rewards and remove AP from gates in exchange. Forcing people to make good tactics and lead good Alliances for AP rather then everybody trying to fight for themselves.

    Sieges has been always like that, even back on the days in retail. There is no rewards at all for being in alliance instead of a small group. Even if you remove AP from Doors people would leave alliance in last seconds to obtain most AP from Dux as possible as it was happening back on the days. Im not sure how you would implement a system that rewards you with AP relics instead of AP directly that doesnt work in the same way as direct AP now.

    Because afterall if you cannot touch the Doors, you will not get AP/relics.

    General lack of PvP: Also partly a people problem, but I also think pvp isnt quite encouraged here, altough its a big part of Aion. Maybe it is lack of motivation to pvp since its not that rewarding, maybe its a feeling of not having a chance anyways since your starting with absolutely 0 pvp gear and have to fight veteran players in maxed out everything.
    My idea is to give new players e30 or e40 pvp gear to starts. to both sides. Just to enable people to play PvP from the start and not first do weeks of PvE to finaly get some gear to start even trying pvp. these old sets provide some dearly needed PvP deffence stats, while still leaving big gap to the 50+ sets for improvement.

    Can't agree with this at all.

    People here just dont want to PvP and dont tell me otherwise because i been here since day 1. They claim to want to PvP, they claim to be PvP heros, yet all the decisions that have been made to improve PvP this people have took them to do PvE and some of them are not even playing after they got all their full gear doing it.

    Silentera event was a clearly example. A event that let few people get full AGB/GBG gear in less than two weeks. People that are almost full AGB/BGB in days... how much PvP there was without being arranged beforehand in Discord? Barely none. The only person i saw 24/7 on the event doing PvP wsas 'Rody' in Elyo/Asmo account and SIN as Asmodian.

    People that claim to be PvP arent letting the other faction take the fortress in ingi/gelk to force them come do the daily later on your own map, forcing people to PvP. They prefer to do defense because well, rewards are more important than PvP.

    People doing Ingi/Gelk daily on their own map, people THAT CLAIM TO BE PVPrs are running back to fortress picking up monsters near and luring them to kill them next to guards instead of PvP whatever they have in front.

    PvPrs on Dredgion are rushing Captain to earn AP instead of PvP... i meaaan, c'mon.. the excuses arent valid at this point.

    Giving people free AP30-40 that by the way, some of us have spend alot of resources buying, enchanting and manastoning them and it will be not fair for us will bring nothing good at all to the server, because those people wont do PvE at all to bring stuff to broker, they will take what is already barely on broker to use it for themselfs and cry there is not enough resource to manastone/enchant.

    A person playing actively with other people can get AP30-40 in less than a week because the AP you get in a week is more than enough to buy whole set and you still have AP left. And if you dont, you're doing something wrong.

    There is tons of ways to earn AP here, and there are Spy questline to earn Silver/Gold Medals. Plus you get AP50 accesories really fast here, which is already kinda enough for most of classes to start PvP.

    Of course you will find people that have pvp gear... they have been playing since day 1 and they deserve to get that ahead.
    The diferent for DPS class of AP30 and AP 50 is so small that you will pretty much spit on this people work if you start giving them out free this early.

  • Giving people free AP30-40 that by the way, some of us have spend alot of resources buying, enchanting and manastoning them and it will be not fair for us will bring nothing good at all to the server, because those people wont do PvE at all to bring stuff to broker, they will take what is already barely on broker to use it for themselfs and cry there is not enough resource to manastone/enchant.

    This is always the case in any mmo, on any server.
    Gear you have farmed tidiously will come free of charge, or even in the cash shop later for grabs so new players can catch up the old players.
    in Blade and Soul the Gear you got from campaign was always updated to a new standard.
    Or even on classic you farmed gear in 1.9 and later in came in the cash shop for 25$ sooo yeahh hardly and argument.

    I mean I have E50 gear now, and id still welcome this change for new players.

    Same goes for enchantment stones, yes of course you could play 12 hours a day, play 5 chars, and get easy +15 everything. But some people have a life and a Job, and get home at six maybe with 3-4 hours to spare in which time they might have to Siege, Dredd and do 1 dungeon...then that time is already up.

    And for PvP I would love to PVP, but I dont even find enemies. I maybe found 2 people in Silentera in 3 weeks now, and been to ingi couple of hours trying to kill people doing their plat dailys, without much success..
    But is this now because noone wants to PvP?? or is it more like these are not quite the ways to pvp...farming new players that try to gear up.
    What about FFA maps, 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, what about ways to enable actual PvP and not just Zerging some poor noobs lol.

    Doing Dredd solely for AP is another issue that is caused by not giving People easyer access to PvP gear. Why would they do PvP in dredd with devanion gear if they need AP to buy PvP gear and thus need to rush captain in a dps race to get there first.. xD If everyone would have at least some pvp gear you would see some PvP in dredd too..

    In a way, all your arguments are sounding like "I want others to suffer because I have sufferd" which realz is just a sad mentality not helping the server at all..

    Edited once, last by Rakurai (July 20, 2024 at 1:05 PM).

  • To respond on everything mentionned in this thread, with my point of view :

    - Manastones are indeed a small issue especially because the price is overall high, due to the fact that people are stacking for next version now - tho i'm pretty sure it's not possible to touch the manastones system to make it 4.8 like - maybe we can suggest an event with more manastones than 2 bags per day when 3.9 starts

    - Enchantment stones are fine, remember you get 1 L85 everyday on every account you have... you can stack them pretty quick and then its sadly just a matter of luck (use Aion Enchantment Calculator (4.6 Patch) ( to better see the rates of each stones depending of the gear)

    - i already mentionned to admin team the issue with gates AP, i guess this will be thought about because this is indeed giving too much rewards to "older players" who can already self-stack on siege weapons

    - for the lack of PvP, not much is duable at the moment, its indeed more of a mentality problem than something that can really be dealt with - keep in mind that although Aion indeed has PvP content, its a PvPvE game that still heavily incentivise PvE farm before PvP

  • This is always the case in any mmo, on any server.
    Gear you have farmed tidiously will come free of charge, or even in the cash shop later for grabs so new players can catch up the old players.
    in Blade and Soul the Gear you got from campaign was always updated to a new standard.
    Or even on classic you farmed gear in 1.9 and later in came in the cash shop for 25$ sooo yeahh hardly and argument.

    I mean I have E50 gear now, and id still welcome this change for new players.

    Thats because that's a cash shop grab for whales/lazy people which is not the case on this server. We are not other private servers, neither we are classic. Retail never had AP gear neither on shop neither in ingame-surveys, not till 5.0 which is when i quit after playing since 3.0.

    We are not even 3 months online, most of people are not even full AP geared besides few players that you can count with both hands, no reason to give full AP set to anyone. Is not like people are running full gbg at this stage.

    Doing Dredd solely for AP is another issue that is caused by not giving People easyer access to PvP gear. Why would they do PvP in dredd with devanion gear if they need AP to buy PvP gear and thus need to rush captain in a dps race to get there first.. xD If everyone would have at least some pvp gear you would see some PvP in dredd too..

    And for me this is a vague excuse. You can do PvP without PvP gear... how you think we were doing at the start of the server? We were doing PvP with PvE gear and its totally fine. How do you think we were doing PvP on classic too? People were doing PvP on Steel rake / Dark poeta sets most of time over months, except those that tryharder AP farm and Roah/Asteria that were ahead enough to buy AP set.

    Yes, is not fair if you find a full geared guy/group while you're on your fresh level 55 character with Daevanion set, but life is not fair. Be glad you even get Daevanion set and deal with it.

    In a way, all your arguments are sounding like "I want others to suffer because I have sufferd" which realz is just a sad mentality not helping the server at all..

    Well, in my eyes i have spend alot of time and energy farming my stuff without crying i couldnt get manastones neither enchant stones... i have found my way to earn them, aswell as some other people. Having people getting free things because they lack the time / knowledge / energy to farm it themselfs is not good, specially when you get so much free things here due to the rates and Camps.

    Cmon... you can farm insane amount of L50 manastones which are TOTALLY fine in this patch to use doing gold rep quest which nones does but they keep crying about no manastones. People crying that there is no enchant stones arent even doing instances to get gear to break
    There is people i know they would love to come and play here, yet they dont want to touch any PvE content. All they want is a full PvP character to PvP whole day ignoring rest of the game, explain to me what this kind of people bring to the whole server?

    And in my opinion, people with no time to play at least 3 hours daily and farm should not play AION at all. Stop wasting your time.

  • In essence you want a server that only jobless, full time Aion players can enjoy.
    And then your wondering why the vast majority is leaving the server again once they realise that we kept all the inconveniences that are designed to bring you to the cash shop are kept with the cash shop option being removed, making its simply an unsatisfying experience.

  • No, what i dont want is lazy people getting free stuff. You all want free pvp gear first, then you will cry you want L100 or even higher because you cannot enchant your l50-55 weapons, and then you will start requesting Manastones, potions, scrolls, food, jelly because well "crafting and farming is boring QQQQQ".

    So yes, call me selfish, tell me i want people to suffer what i suffer (which i didnt, cuz i actually enjoy PLAYING the game), or whatever you feel. I just dont want lazy people getting more free stuff. Play the game. If you cannot be on same progression level of someone who can spend 14 hours a day, its your problem, it happens here, it happens in any MMO with gear/level progression.

  • If you cannot be on same progression level of someone who can spend 14 hours a day, its your problem, it happens here, it happens in any MMO with gear/level progression.

    Well in any other MMO/game the working people can cash their stuff.
    An MMO will always want either time or money.

    Thats why im saying, if you dont aknowledge this issue, your gonna have no population because people have to work, people have familys, people are not in school anymore with plenty of holidays and time.

    And no im not asking for a pay2win cash shop, im just asking to make it a fun and fair experience for a broad community, and not just for 10 shut ins.

    Besides, if you realy want us new players to go the same route as old players, give back unnerfed silentera so i can have full abg in 2 weeks too xD

  • Rakurai You mentioned the Siege Weapons and Gate issue but used it on your own in a Group of two.

    Reducing AP gain or Weapon DMG just because the player are lazy and don't wanna craft there own weapons? We needed one weekend to level one Master and one Expert with 3 ppl to obtain these Siege Weapons.
    We tryied to sell them but nobody wanted.
    Then they say the damage and how less AP they got from the Gates when we was around with our Siege Weapons.

    And now the damage of the Siege Weapon is decreased.

    Where is now the benefit for these? The hard working to craft them? Both sides started to craft them too and can use it as well (and they do, also in small groups).

    The User of a Siege Weapon is still fightable and need to be protected or the Siege Weapon is gone and you can't use an other one in this Siege.

    And you needed 5 Minutes to kill a Gate with one Weapon .. that is a enough time. Now it will take more, how much more we will see.

    Siege Alli / Group Issue

    The Kill-Quests to obtain the Godstones are just working solo or in groups, not in an alliance. So if the Support Cleric want that kills to, a group is needed or this quest will be never finished.

    The lack of OpenPVP pushed these issue into the Raid, because just there you can find some enemies.

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  • Rakurai You mentioned the Siege Weapons and Gate issue but used it on your own in a Group of two.

    And you needed 5 Minutes to kill a Gate with one Weapon .. that is a enough time. Now it will take more, how much more we will see.

    Siege Alli / Group Issue

    The Kill-Quests to obtain the Godstones are just working solo or in groups, not in an alliance. So if the Support Cleric want that kills to, a group is needed or this quest will be never finished.

    The lack of OpenPVP pushed these issue into the Raid, because just there you can find some enemies.

    Now this is very much correct.

    I did this once at Krotan, with 0 asmos around. Which has the neat side effect that noone got fucked over their ap participation reward and noone was harmed, noone left the game frustrated.

    Not quite correct is that it takes 5 minutes to kill a gate. Because the main place of issue we are having is not at kkm. It is at ingi and gelk where a single weapon oneshots the second and third gate.

    Also incorrect is the assumption that more single players and groups with weapons of their own will fix this. As we whitnessed a few days ago where elys came with 8 weapons and still couldnt make it because everyone was greedy and not playing as a faction teamed up.

    And lastly the lack of open pvp is indeed a problem i also mentioned above. However the solution should not be to ego siege and instead encourage ow pvp, or dedicate an FFA map or somth else.

    Edit: i never condemned using siege weapons, and i said it is by far the most efficient way to make ap.

    My Problem with this is that sieges wont work if people dont strategize and team up.

    Edited once, last by Rakurai (July 22, 2024 at 1:54 PM).

  • So whats the problem now? the egoistic gameplay? My Legion used sieges weapons for Raid in Alliance too.

    Also the Raidlead made calls like "pls use siege weapon now".

    The person with siege weapon is easy target, why not focus them? The easy way » focus » kill the player with siege weapon » *poof * siege weapon away » problem solved. The crybaby way : open thread in forum.

    well.. yes that escalated quickly, it takes time but other Elyos build them too (i think thats the day you see around 8 siege weapons) cause they see how much AP we gained. (but at this part its important to mention - thats not the only way we made our ap, i have the feeling that some players made an eye on the AP count but hey, i dont have PvP Gear yet. I only have my SW Gear. Cause i know that there will be next Updates.. so i collect ap + medals on mass. i dont need 30/40er AP Set for free. if i want it, i know ways to farm and buy every ap set quick and stressless..

    You can believe me - Raid in Alliance is like a big Blockbuster Bollywood Drama as a Cleric on Elyos side and Kill Q dont count for me (in Raid on supp build), so i prefer group raids last time. (remember open pvp is dead). If there is an option to get them in Alliance (in Group with my mates) - i would prefer alliance.

    Why giving bonus to lazy players? We made our Masters/Experts. We farming aether and materials. The siege weapons dont falling from the sky and spawn in our inventory.. Every player has the option to build their own - or buy. Funny the first time we want to sell some the Elyos Raidlead said "These things are useless" - but if you ever played aion in the past - u know about some things ;)

    if we want to have a retail like elden aion - we can start discuss about many things like - what about both faction charakter?

  • The person with siege weapon is easy target, why not focus them? The easy way » focus » kill the player with siege weapon » *poof * siege weapon away » problem solved. The crybaby way : open thread in forum.

    This is quite the funny way of putting it, since you are crying now that you cant abuse the system any more.
    I couldnt care less, im Asmo, I wrote this as an issue after hearing of many frustrated elys that dont like to siege anymore because they dont get anything from it.

    On the side you dont want anybody to use them, because hey then it would be same ap for everyone again, and another reason to nerf the dmg of siege weapons. because if even just 3+ weapons are there gates fall within a matter of seconds and defending will be impossible.
    There is no counterplay against this. "just target the ones with the weapons" Templars with BG exist, DP heals exist, clerics exist. Simply using the weapons on the beefiest equiped char will make this whole operation obsolete and you know that too.

    So please quit pretending. It is all about your personal gain, thats why you wanted to sell them and not give them away for free like we do on asmos.
    You want all the AP, if its not AP you want all the kinah, you want all the kill quests, instead of doing them aside from sieges.
    You are never out of reasons not to be an egoistic player and just proved my point.

    and im also the last one to have a "retail like aion" at least not the way people envision it here. If i wanted to have a grindfest server i can go the real retail servers. At least my job would allow me to whale a bunch of money on cash shop to keep up. but having a job is "lazy" for Aion players aparently.
    I mean seriously guys..

    Edit: I think most of you are mistaken in thinking a p-server can be retail like. You dont have a retail like economy with 120 players max, you dont have retail like sieges where 500 players are on each side, you dont have retail like rankings, you dont have retail like dungeon activity, nothing on a P-Server is retail like. And change my mind but most dont want "retail like" or else they wouldnt come to private servers if retail is so great. XD

    Edited once, last by Rakurai (July 22, 2024 at 8:03 PM).

  • Name 3 Non retail like / Instant Progression PvP servers that are still up and running from the last 2 years to 6 months.

  • no1 said anything about instant. To make rates higher for medals, arena medals crusader tokens and chances for progession with manastones or entchantment stones higher, dosnt has anything to do with instant. It just makes the server more attractiv for ppl that are not complet tryhard.

    i Mean the pve is pretty simple as long u can find groups for it.

    Not everyone has the time to take aion as a second job.

    A game needs to give a rewarding feeling, and if it dosnt there isnt a reason to log in again.

    Everytime when we ask for improvment for new players things like " ur lazy " are mentioned. I farmed my shit on classic and i farmed it here. But my way of gameplay is not for everyone and normal boomer ppl with 3 or 4 kids cant run 2 times a day dp for ap.

    They cant go to siege.

    But they would like to play, slower but still some rewarding progression.

    Edited once, last by Kisa (July 28, 2024 at 1:37 AM).

  • Name 3 Non retail like / Instant Progression PvP servers that are still up and running from the last 2 years to 6 months.

    while there is no current example of servers that are still running, NotAion was by far the longest running server with the most players of any server out there for over 8 years. No "retail-like" server matches this. And if a well managed NotAion would open again, it would be very successfull.

    But this isnt the point here because noone is asking for instant progression, full pvp only server.
    people are asking for things to not be retail like, and for some more PvP enticement.

    If you take retail like, with all its inconvenience, and bad designs that are just made to make you spend money, and you remove the "spend money" part, all that is left is just a very bad designed game. Artificially prolonged progression, manastone failrates, enchantment fail rates, randomt stats on gear.
    All that is designed to make you buy socketing aids, enchantment aids, gear reroll scrolls, drop boosters etc.

    Enchantment rates are pretty much so bad here that i am forced to spend every single elden coin i get on 100% socketing aids. And i have already donated like 80€ most of those coins used to just socket my gear. Because there also is no retail like supply of manastones that you could just buy. If I farm 3 hours Dark Poeta with a drop boost, i might just get 3 Mboost stones. i am definitly not daring to waste those.

    So what we are left here with is realy realy bad and unrewarding gameplay. It takes weeks to month to grind PvP gear, which leads people to try and find shortcuts, abuse siege gate mechanics for example, or they just quit right away. With sieges being a very sensitive to balance event, it is also very frustrating if you see the other faction has 3 times the players you have and winning is basically not an option.

    Yes you can Farm AP in Dark Poeta, and it only takes about 20 hours and 1900 elden coin to buy just the weapon, and even then you have 0 of the medals needed.
    Yes you could high theoretically farm AP in dungeons, half of them are locked behind enemy fortress gates and not accessible, and even if they would be accessible, it would be not quite rewarding at a measly 30k AP per day for running all 3 KKM instances with 6 people.
    And even if you do all that, your left with a very limited amount of platin medals to buy any meaning full gear, and again the access often even more limited due to siege situation.

    for example right now winning siege is out of the question, Contribution medals from sieging regardless is questionable if you dont win attack or dont deffend successfully your left with nothing. leaving you with taloc for 1 medal, and right now asmos still own one fort in gelk, making 2 extra platin medals. That is 3 medals a day, makes 39 days to just buy the weapon.

    Dredgion is at such an inconvenient timing that if you want to be efficient you have to rush PvE dredd, because you only have 1 hour after siege for 3 runs. it would help if sieges would have a more sensible schedule, having siege every single day, is also a problem to both pvp and Pve players. PvE players can not do PvE content when they return from work in the evening because they are imediatly begged to help with siege, or they wont find players to form a group, and vice versa people are missing at siege because they rather do PvE.
    If you have lets say, Siege only every second or 3rd day in gelk, and every other day in upper abyss, those that want to do less zergy pvp can do dredds on the days off and the others can pve.

    Another highly inconvenient design are stigma shards, it costs clerics, sorcs, chanters and some other clases an easy 3-5k stigma shards to switch from one build to the other. Making me think twice if I would do PvP now, because its a serious investment to switch to that build.

    Open world is so non existant, that your PvP daily quests turn into weeklys, and even those you often cant finish.
    And Silentera was nerfed so dead that it is not worth for anyone to go there exept maybe absolute new players in need of platin coins.
    Elden Coins drop infront of gates have not had any effect as well, them being tradeable doesnt change anything, because again, there is no retail like economy, there is no assigned worth to a coin that you would be willing to pay. I have not seen anyone sell these or ask to buy them yet.

    Siege rewards for the Fort Conquerring legions are also too high. They are tuned for thousands of players not 50. Crafting potions, buff food, scrolls etc is pretty much obsolete because your flooded with them, which again , doesnt help the economy one bit.

    People are quitting, and the people that are not quitting are only still here because of friends in the legion or because of hopes that 3.9 will make everything better. We had 20 members just in the legion alone that had been inactive for over a month and showed no signs to ever return.
    New people that are joining, make pretty much just a horrible experience, which if it doesnt make them quit right away, they surely wont recomend it to their friends.

    You need to understand your playerbase, most of your players right now as far as i have heard and seen are former aion classic players, that didnt like how grindy and pay2win the NcSoft aproach is, and they come here hoping that it is significantly better here. Then they waste 50 manastones on a single piece of equipment, are forced into braindead grind content and realize, nothing here is different exept the missing shop to compensate for all that is bad.

    This is not all my own opinion, I have asked for other peoples suggestions on our legion discord too, and tryed to bring everything together into this post.

    Edited 2 times, last by Rakurai (July 28, 2024 at 1:53 AM).

  • I have idea about give shugo WHO will sell manastones(and maybe enchant too) for realy high price like 5kk od something per one. Asmo side broker doesnt exist. That also mean on asmo side kinah arę useless so it may push ppl to farm kinah but also will drop morę manastones which may appear on the broker.

    Also want to say, we dont want free, we dont want easy. But most od players leave because we're from classic when u dont get rewarded by grind. I can farm 1-2h a day its ok for me but if im unlucky(i'm) i want at least buy finnaly manastones if not on the broker maybe npc.

  • Quote

    "NotAion was by far the longest running server with the most players of any server out there for over 8 years"



    "And if a well managed NotAion would open again, it would be very successfull."

    Mid rates elden aion is not notaion server and and is a pvepvp server.


    "But this isnt the point here because noone is asking for instant progression, full pvp only server.
    people are asking for things to not be retail like, and for some more PvP enticement."

    Its like 20x faster than retail. Have a lot of facilities, npcs, items that retail didn't have, and which make the game easier. Much easier.


    "If you take retail like, with all its inconvenience, and bad designs that are just made to make you spend money, and you remove the "spend money" part, all that is left is just a very bad designed game. Artificially prolonged progression, manastone failrates, enchantment fail rates, randomt stats on gear.
    All that is designed to make you buy socketing aids, enchantment aids, gear reroll scrolls, drop boosters etc."

    You have TONS of elden medals just from playing. Constantly fast event with elden medals from drop. U have all this things exactly from one thing:


    "Enchantment rates are pretty much so bad here that i am forced to spend every single elden coin i get on 100% socketing aids. And i have already donated like 80€ most of those coins used to just socket my gear. Because there also is no retail like supply of manastones that you could just buy. If I farm 3 hours Dark Poeta with a drop boost, i might just get 3 Mboost stones. i am definitly not daring to waste those."

    Do gold coins and socket mb 25. They are practically free. Learn where MB27 drops, DP is not good place to farm. Mb27 is endgame, what u expect?


    " It takes weeks to month to grind PvP gear"

    People on retail and classic were farming almost year to get gear what people have here after 1-2 months. Its not even long in perspective of MMO game.


    "which leads people to try and find shortcuts, abuse siege gate mechanics for example, or they just quit right away. With sieges being a very sensitive to balance event, it is also very frustrating if you see the other faction has 3 times the players you have and winning is basically not an option."

    People always seach a easier way, like you now. It doesn't matter what the sieges look like. People in retail were abusing flying in walls, in euroaion most of the "top" ones had pads on them.


    "Yes you can Farm AP in Dark Poeta, and it only takes about 20 hours and 1900 elden coin to buy just the weapon, and even then you have 0 of the medals needed.
    Yes you could high theoretically farm AP in dungeons, half of them are locked behind enemy fortress gates and not accessible, and even if they would be accessible, it would be not quite rewarding at a measly 30k AP per day for running all 3 KKM instances with 6 people.
    And even if you do all that, your left with a very limited amount of platin medals to buy any meaning full gear, and again the access often even more limited due to siege situation. "

    20x faster than classic and retail. Again.


    "for example right now winning siege is out of the question, Contribution medals from sieging regardless is questionable if you dont win attack or dont deffend successfully your left with nothing. leaving you with taloc for 1 medal, and right now asmos still own one fort in gelk, making 2 extra platin medals. That is 3 medals a day, makes 39 days to just buy the weapon. "

    And u have medals from events and from pve too. Stop being that dramatic. Go for sieges, just be active, u can earn 5 plats from every fort, all u need is any effort.


    Dredgion is at such an inconvenient timing that if you want to be efficient you have to rush PvE dredd, because you only have 1 hour after siege for 3 runs. it would help if sieges would have a more sensible schedule, having siege every single day, is also a problem to both pvp and Pve players. PvE players can not do PvE content when they return from work in the evening because they are imediatly begged to help with siege, or they wont find players to form a group, and vice versa people are missing at siege because they rather do PvE.
    If you have lets say, Siege only every second or 3rd day in gelk, and every other day in upper abyss, those that want to do less zergy pvp can do dredds on the days off and the others can pve.

    People choose this schedule. When we had less sieges people asked for more of them to be added so that there would be more content and place for pvp.


    Another highly inconvenient design are stigma shards, it costs clerics, sorcs, chanters and some other clases an easy 3-5k stigma shards to switch from one build to the other. Making me think twice if I would do PvP now, because its a serious investment to switch to that build.

    Yes, this could be changed. Theres a lot of stigma shards from siege deffence, but i guess people dont sell it or put in legion werehouse.


    Open world is so non existant, that your PvP daily quests turn into weeklys, and even those you often cant finish.
    And Silentera was nerfed so dead that it is not worth for anyone to go there exept maybe absolute new players in need of platin coins.

    Silentra were totally overpowered. The idea of event was to bring players to pvp, but no one pvp here, just pve boxbiting. Its good its nerfed, should be like this from start, since still u have infinite place to farm AP, plat coins, mounts, potions and candies. People dont do pvp? All want pvp, no? So why its empty? Box are addition in place were all players can do pvp. Since no one is here, logically, few people care about ow.


    Elden Coins drop infront of gates have not had any effect as well, them being tradeable doesnt change anything, because again, there is no retail like economy, there is no assigned worth to a coin that you would be willing to pay. I have not seen anyone sell these or ask to buy them yet.

    Actually a lot of people is buying elden medals from other players. Not every player spend 80€ to get really easy items to get.


    Siege rewards for the Fort Conquerring legions are also too high. They are tuned for thousands of players not 50. Crafting potions, buff food, scrolls etc is pretty much obsolete because your flooded with them, which again , doesnt help the economy one bit.

    True. Such high rewards killing crafters and economy. That should be nerfed long time ago.


    You need to understand your playerbase, most of your players right now as far as i have heard and seen are former aion classic players, that didnt like how grindy and pay2win the NcSoft aproach is, and they come here hoping that it is significantly better here. Then they waste 50 manastones on a single piece of equipment, are forced into braindead grind content and realize, nothing here is different exept the missing shop to compensate for all that is bad.

    Again. Its MUCH MUCH MUCH easier than classic and than retail. Literally u can play 2-3h per day and have full gear.

    My conclusion is this: We got a very simplified, really good version of the server.
    It is full of facilities that P2W Classic has never had and will never have. You don't have to spend a penny on this game to have skins, candies, titles, socketings.
    A private server does not have to be a kindergarten where admins puts on your shoes and ties shoelaces.

  • Quote

    20x faster than classic and retail. Again.

    yes spamming pve for pvp stuff.


    And u have medals from events and from pve too. Stop being that dramatic. Go for sieges, just be active, u can earn 5 plats from every fort, all u need is any effort.

    if you cant win a siege you wont get platin medals. With sieges most cant do BT or anything else and sometimes you cant even find a group. You wont make any progress, Seems like asmo only problem.


    Actually a lot of people is buying elden medals from other players. Not every player spend 80€ to get really easy items to get.

    Plxn and Helyona once on Asmo side.


    People on retail and classic were farming almost year to get gear what people have here after 1-2 months. Its not even long in perspective of MMO game.

    On classic 6 month, u can do crusader tokens there everday. eso event with double drops and scrolls constant pvp everywhere.


    20x faster than classic and retail. Again.

    In Classic u have eso event with double drop and scrolls for it. In classic you get alot more ap in eso.


    People choose this schedule. When we had less sieges people asked for more of them to be added so that there would be more content and place for pvp

    AND alot of ppl including me asked why dred is not from 9-11 pm.


    Silentra were totally overpowered. The idea of event was to bring players to pvp, but no one pvp here, just pve boxbiting. Its good its nerfed, should be like this from start, since still u have infinite place to farm AP, plat coins, mounts, potions and candies. People dont do pvp? All want pvp, no? So why its empty? Box are addition in place were all players can do pvp. Since no one is here, logically, few people care about ow.

    we had some good pvp there. No one goes there anymore cuz its not rewarding when u get only platin coins. No1 cares about running in circles with no enemies.


    Do gold coins and socket mb 25. They are practically free. Learn where MB27 drops, DP is not good place to farm. Mb27 is endgame, what u expect?

    Enchantrates feel lower als classic. I cant even get my stuff on +5 ( Gold lvl 55 ) with 85 enchantment stones.

    I dont care about pve i want my pvp gear in the best case from pvp.

    A private server needs feedback from active players. I AM ACTIVE and still here even if i disslike some major things.

    The Kindergarten goes to bed now.

    Edit " in classic we had enough medals and to less ap, here its the opposite."

    Edited 2 times, last by Kisa (July 28, 2024 at 3:29 AM).

  • Again. Its MUCH MUCH MUCH easier than classic and than retail. Literally u can play 2-3h per day and have full gear.

    My conclusion is this: We got a very simplified, really good version of the server.
    It is full of facilities that P2W Classic has never had and will never have. You don't have to spend a penny on this game to have skins, candies, titles, socketings.
    A private server does not have to be a kindergarten where admins puts on your shoes and ties shoelaces.

    2-3 hours and you are full gear in 5 months yes.
    you dont have to spend a penny on the shop but you will need 1200 Elden Coins x 7 just to socket your gear. Which leaves again months if you want to finish one char.

    And just because it is easyer then something extremely worse doesnt make it good.
    And if it where so fucking good, people would not quit in waves.
    When i started 3-4 weeks ago it was two alliances on each side at siege, now asmos barely get 2 groups, not even talking about a viable group condition.

    But sure everything is totaly great, the server is flurrishing and alive.
    Keep being in denial.

    I think it is focused so much here, to keep people playing for a looooong Time, that you totaly forgot to make playing it feel fun and rewarding.
    Right now there is 0 motivation to keep playing here. You can finish PvE gear in a week with a bit of luck at stormwing. but you dont have pve content beyond that. Padmarashka hasnt been killed once since i am here, simply because lack of players.
    Meanwhile you need months to finish PvP gear, and at the end you cant even PvP with it.

  • I am also active player. But this is seriouSly going to hell. Dunno how its on ely side but asmo side is considerably dead. From the view of new player who just strated and play asmo side the see no one LFG, empty broker and when they ask me how its going on here should I lied to them?

    I can play 1-2 hrs during week and few more during weekend. Only during night and its hard to find group, silentera farm is useless as its now bcs no pvp, chest not worth farming , only for mounth maybe. I agree with all statemets regardind events like silentera, esso above this reply.

    Always few ppl logged 24/7 got good items wiith those events and it was nerfed . Why activate it now ?

    Arena of coop would be fun too byt the reward is kinda low for me.

    Since I cant participate on every siege, mostly kkm during night and I also there noticed lowering num er of players bcs number of times when nobody gone to try capture it increased. Spamming taloc for 1 plat coing isnt really fun.

    Even in arenas you need ur alter or 90% of time you meet afk alt of someone else.

    My own biggest problem is enchanting and worst of all manastone socketing. Without 100% supplement failed 20 out of 25 stones. Even on retail is higher chance

    Hope we save this server with joined forces bcs I really like it here

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