Some suggestions related to the complaints about the donations removal, etc

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  • I saw that some people complained about the donations being removed from the shop related to the fact that people who can't farm elden medals can't afford to buy 100% manastones socket bundles and I had some suggestions to make about the topic.

    I highly agree with the idea of the staff of this server to make the server completely free to play (that's what personally hooked me the most when I found out about this server and saw the website), and I have to admit that seeing the 100% socketing bundle in the shop made me think it wasn't a very f2p choice (even considering that titles and candies might be considered a "boost" not so f2p either but I think those items are less "impactfull" than the 100% socket).

    So I was thinking about a possible solution and this came into my mind:
    you could change the manastone system to the one of later patches (that when u fail a manastone u simply lose the failed one and not the previous ones) and remove the 100% socket from the shop.

    I know it might sound not "aligned" with the 2.7/3.9 idea but this server isn't a real 2.7/3.9 experience at the end of the day.
    Just think about the fact the we are actually in an adjusted 4.x server, with a daevanion set from a 4.x patch that kinda broke the idea of the 2.7 patch itself, with many skins coming from 4.x patches and even one from 5.x. So I think that the system change might be techinically possible.

    Before I get jumped by people with the "it's not fair I had to spend so many elden coins/money to finish my gear and new players won't have to do the same" let's consider this:
    with the new patch 3.9 everyone will have to re-gear anyway so I'd say it's the best moment to implement a new system for the manastones. No one will lose anything from the old gear that anyway people used until now and will still have to use until they get the new one, and new players won't have to feel overwhelmed by the idea to farm so many elden coins for the 100% socket. I myself spent a lot to socket my full set on my chanter but I'd love to see this change.
    Cause it also would increase the economy of the server, that atm is kinda messed up for the lack of players.

    How would it help the economy?
    Well, if people need less manastones to be able to finish to socket their gear there gonna be more manastones available to sell, people that have a lot of time to play will be able to farm them to sell in the broker so they can make kinah, while players with a lower time to play can just find them in the broker fresh to buy.

    And what about the people that already bought many 100% socket bundle and kept them in their inventory/warehouse ready for the next patch?
    Well, a simple solution would be to substitute that item with a manastone bundle where the player can choose the desired manastone (for example: if you kept that 100% to socket your crit +17/mag +27/atk +5 or whatever, here u will have ur manastone to choose and u will be able to put it in your gear with the new system).

    Sorry for the long thread but i thought it might be a good solution to propose to the admins of the server.

    Cheers <3

  • How would it help the economy?
    Well, if people need less manastones to be able to finish to socket their gear there gonna be more manastones available to sell, people that have a lot of time to play will be able to farm them to sell in the broker so they can make kinah, while players with a lower time to play can just find them in the broker fresh to buy.

    This literally makes no sense with your suggestion, pretty much because with 100% you will need less manastones overall to enchant your gear.

    Also remember in 3.9 there will be two things new; More instances to farm Elden medal and Composite manastones. Have fun trying to make any piece without 100% enchants, prices of those manastones will be so high that average player wont have enough kinah to buy them.

    Also the change of 100% manastone shocket (that some people pay real money for it) for a manastone bundle is just a spit on their face.

    If peopel cant "farm" elden medal is because they lack time or knowledge. Its not that hard to make literally 3 characters level 55 and farm Taloc with them. Is not like the 100% arent tradeable. You can also buy them from other people, in Elyo side there is some economy compared to Asmodian side that its completly dead because you dont have people that actually play and farm in the game, so the problem its yours, not the server itself.

    Edited once, last by Lember (August 6, 2024 at 12:55 AM).

  • Composite Manastones? I doubt they got added?

    The manastone bundle was an idea, can be 10 of them in case if it feels better for players, idc it was an example.

    Also with 100% u need less manastones only if u buy it for each manastone, because tbh it's super hard to even put 2 manastones in a row atm, so not failing the previous ones would be a way better option than just having to farm infinite Elden Medals to buy 100% for each slot.

    Many ppl lack time to farm with more than one character. Also the server is made by the balance of both factions, so if one is suffering the other will too with time.

  • Composites are on game in 3.9, yes.

    Have in mind that the system you suggest will make each slot even hardier to enchant than current it is. Yes, they wont break, but the % to actually sucess will be way lower, making it probably even wasting more manastones than you currently can, and since there are composites manastones, the 100% enchant rate its a must unless you wanna kill the server completly.

    Also if people cant really farm 200 elden medal every 2-3 days just of active gameplay, they shouldn't be playing, honestly. This game has never meant to be for people that plays 1-2 hour at day, and you cannot modify the server based on that.

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