Crafting, Loot, Economy (Collecting Thread)

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  • Hello Elden Aion Team,

    I have been playing on the server for about 2-3 weeks now. Since I am now in the end-level area, I took the time to farm various mobs, and unfortunately, the loot table is incorrect.

    First of all, the Balaur mobs, from levels 53-55, should only drop firm materials and these materials should be increased like:

    Firm Balaur Horn [item: 152014016]
    Firm Balaur Scale [item: 152014017]
    Firm Balaur Skin [item: 152014018]
    Execration of Wrath [item: 152013019]
    Maddened Execration of Wrath [item: 152013020]
    Clouded Execration of Wrath [item: 152013021]

    In the Pic you see its wrong.

    and the other Balaur Flux for Armor and Accessory.

    From lvl 50-52 its the Hart Balaur stuff.

    Ok next ist the Normal Crafting Flux those have to be in increased and in Mobs from lvl 51-55:

    Special Greater Weapon Flux [item: 152011065]
    Worthy Special Greater Weapon Flux [item: 152011066]
    Expert Special Greater Weapon Flux [item: 152011067]
    Master Special Greater Weapon Flux [item: 152011068]

    Special Greater Accessory Flux [item: 152011075]
    Worthy Special Greater Accessory Flux [item: 152011076]
    Expert Special Greater Accessory Flux [item: 152011077]
    Master Special Greater Accessory Flux [item: 152011078]

    Special Greater Armour Flux [item: 152011070]
    Worthy Special Greater Armour Flux [item: 152011071]
    Expert Special Greater Armour Flux [item: 152011072]
    Master Special Greater Armour Flux [item: 152011073]

    Then we have the patterns that are important for crafting; these should also be more frequently available from mobs of levels 51-55! Additionally, the daily crafting quests and the coins received from them should be increased, or the prices for the patterns should be lowered. In my opinion, both changes should be implemented.

    These are my suggestions for improving the economy and correcting the loot table and I hope that this is possible and can be implemented as soon as possible. Thank you.

    Edited 3 times, last by Obrygon (May 18, 2024 at 12:07 PM).

  • Hello again,

    I have now spent several more hours farming random mobs in Gelkmaros, and there is a complete lack of trash loot. Since this is normally related to the 4.6 patch, the focus was naturally on the endgame of 4.6 and not 2.7. This means that the random trash loot needs to be drastically increased because, aside from a few thousand kinah and stigma shards, there is hardly anything in the mobs. To revive the economy, something needs to happen. Thank you.

  • Thats true, there is a massiv lack of drops in Gelk and Ingi. Things like :

    ID: 101500647
    Pacification Staff
    ID: 110300964
    Pacification Jerkin

    And Important Stuff like:

    ID: 155006507
    Marmelade aus Gaino-Äther

    Dosnt drop.

  • Obrygon May 26, 2024 at 10:26 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Crafting, Loot, Economy” to “Crafting, Loot, Economy (Collecting Thread)”.
  • Ok, now i run a few time Beshmundir Temple and there is nothing special BUT the Trash Loot is nothing worth, when you sell it (blue,green,white stuff) the NPC will give you WAY to LESS Kinah. In the Old/Original 2.7 Patch the amount of Kinah is way higher.

  • I don't think anything needs to be adjusted in the lootchance. The materials drop in sufficient quantities. You just have to know where to farm or scrolls increase the chance of getting more loot. It's already going too fast.

  • I don't think anything needs to be adjusted in the lootchance. The materials drop in sufficient quantities. You just have to know where to farm or scrolls increase the chance of getting more loot. It's already going too fast.

    Its not only the Chance its the Loot Table Read the Complete Thread pls, its not only the Drop "Rate", its basically wrong. If the comes no Fix/Change then it is not a retail server ! Trust me, I've been playing Aion since 1.9 and quit after 5.0.

  • Really. Claiming to have started with 1.9 and stopped with 5.0 is somehow out of place.

    On the other hand, it would be pretty late to start and early to finish. So there can't be that much knowledge. And I don't understand why you're using the trash loot from BT either, unless you think it's too little to leave the instance with several million. I think that's pretty spoilt.

  • Really. Claiming to have started with 1.9 and stopped with 5.0 is somehow out of place.

    On the other hand, it would be pretty late to start and early to finish. So there can't be that much knowledge. And I don't understand why you're using the trash loot from BT either, unless you think it's too little to leave the instance with several million. I think that's pretty spoilt.

    And agian, its not about the amount of Loot/Kinah its about to Create a good Retail like 2.7 Server otherweise you can play on The EU/US Classic Server ( PAY TO WIN SERVER), and for the real 2.7 experience they have to Change that BECOUSE its a dowgrade from 4.6 or 4.7 and therefore the loot table, Trash Loot Prices are wrong for THIS DOWNGRADE PATCH.

    And @The Elden Aion Team, i hope there is some Progress about this ?

  • I've checked and all these items:

    Firm Balaur Horn [item: 152014016]
    Firm Balaur Scale [item: 152014017]
    Firm Balaur Skin [item: 152014018]
    Execration of Wrath [item: 152013019]
    Maddened Execration of Wrath [item: 152013020]
    Clouded Execration of Wrath [item: 152013021]

    Special Greater Weapon Flux [item: 152011065]
    Worthy Special Greater Weapon Flux [item: 152011066]
    Expert Special Greater Weapon Flux [item: 152011067]
    Master Special Greater Weapon Flux [item: 152011068]

    Special Greater Accessory Flux [item: 152011075]
    Worthy Special Greater Accessory Flux [item: 152011076]
    Expert Special Greater Accessory Flux [item: 152011077]
    Master Special Greater Accessory Flux [item: 152011078]

    Special Greater Armour Flux [item: 152011070]
    Worthy Special Greater Armour Flux [item: 152011071]
    Expert Special Greater Armour Flux [item: 152011072]
    Master Special Greater Armour Flux [item: 152011073]

    Are dropping properly from Balaur and Dragonbound mobs.

    As for these:

    ID: 101500647
    Pacification Staff
    ID: 110300964
    Pacification Jerkin

    These have a lower rate by default

    This item does not exist

    ID: 155006507
    Marmelade aus Gaino-Äther
  • Good Morning,

    Ya you right but the 53-55 lvl Balaur Drop the Hard Stuff ( lvl 50-52 materials ) too and that is not right for this 2.7 Patch AND my Suggestion was to increase the Drop for those both kind of materials ( Flux and Balaur Stuff to get a better Economy because the Tradingpost is not realy interessting and that Crafting is a big Part in this Game ( not only Dungeons and PvP ) pls make not a nother NotAion or EuroAion Server ! Ived played on retail and many many private Server and all forget the Crafting System and 2.7 was a great Patch to do both Dungeon or Crafting. Thanks for Your Time.

  • Hello I come to add some to this thread:

    I was thinking lowering the price of the designs to craft master drenium stuff, small pces cost 31 shapers tokens and pants 46, chest pce 61 , shield also 61 and helm 61. Buying a full set ( remember this is just the blueprint) is around 312 days.... i dont think i have to expand on that. Also making the craft of blue heliotrophe crystals more than 1 a day. As for the original subject of this Thread, make balaur drop firm stuff in stacks of 2-5 and also the hearts need to be boosted by a lot, buying a full set of blueprint is 816 hearts... again i dont think i need to expand on that.

    Best Regards.

  • Could you check if item: 152202151 (Design: Fine Recovery Serum) drops from certain mobs in Inggi as it should, please? I used to farm for few days in retail for it, here has been around 7 hours so far with 50% loot scroll and no luck. I just kinda need a confirmation that it indeed drops from monsters before losing my mind.

    No need to give extra info, just 'yes' or 'no' its enough for me :)

    Thanks in advance <3

    Edited once, last by Lember (June 1, 2024 at 3:32 AM).

  • Could you check if item: 152202151 (Design: Fine Recovery Serum) drops from certain mobs in Inggi as it should, please? I used to farm for few days in retail for it, here has been around 7 hours so far with 50% loot scroll and no luck. I just kinda need a confirmation that it indeed drops from monsters before losing my mind.

    No need to give extra info, just 'yes' or 'no' its enough for me :)

    Thanks in advance <3

    Gee can youd do that for Gelkmaros Mobs too ( [item: 152207153] ) Thx. And how is the Testing going on ?

  • CHALL June 2, 2024 at 2:55 AM

    Closed the thread.

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