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  • Dear Devs!

    In Beshmundir Temple the bosses dodges the physical classes skills and auto attacks like 50%. I started killing them with like 1600 accuracy,i have now 2000 and above and its the same result. Can we have a fix for that, cause mage classes can land every single hit on them except meele classes.

    Thank you for advance.


  • Dear Devs!

    In Beshmundir Temple the bosses dodges the physical classes skills and auto attacks like 50%. I started killing them with like 1600 accuracy,i have now 2000 and above and its the same result. Can we have a fix for that, cause mage classes can land every single hit on them except meele classes.

    Thank you for advance.


    2.400 accuracy not enough yet tho. Same goes for Upper abyss fortress bosses, they were level 65 and just the level and HP got reduced to match level 55, but rest of stats seems to be 65, because i was missing on the Asmodian Stallari at Krotan with 2.600 (chanter in party and full gear with accuracy20+) accuracy yesterday :)

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