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    healing dosnt get rewarded.

    Ppl will start going solo to sieges - on asmo side we still build league.

    Things like on classic will happen, leaving the group few seconds before the boss is down. Healers end up with nothing.

    Agreeing with this part - bringing back rank rewards would make siege unfair.

    As for the idea of the mithril medals in Inggi/Gelk that has been discussed a lot, i will mention it again to see if we can find some solution.

    On retail inggi/gelk were daily thing... as good as tiamaranta. You made forts this thick that 24-man alliance struggle to take it in 30mins with noone defending. And that this is LOWER version siege so maybe it should be EASIER than current verion tiamaranta?

    It looks like you set hp of things as you please, without thinking about whole balance.

    It's not the game where you aim to do everything daily, players do different things during their online time. Wouldn't it be cool if activities like RvR siege were available? Remember that we play on 180 players server and often players struggle to find 6 man group for CURRENT content during entire day. How am I supposed to gather entire ally for siege at set hour with rewards worse than tf ?

    First of all, for playing myself, you can take the fort in less than 20 min with 24-man alliance and a few siege weapons - and it shouldn't be easier than Tiamaranta siege because Tiamaranta siege and Gelk/Inggi siege are fundamentally different in the way they work.

    Second point - we actually think a lot about balance and this is why it will no be nerfed, as i said before what will happen if 6-man can own a fortress in 15 min ? Everyone will start to do it and then you will have 30 people on each siege to get a stupid number of platinum medals, which will take maximum 10 min with all these people and a 6-man nerf - making us forced to buff again. This will make a endless cycle where no one will ever be contented. The way it is now is the most efficient way to make it "not easy" but also "duable".

    You said it yourself, on a 180 people server if people decide to start doing Gelk/Inggi siege everyday because they have more time (as everyone start to have all the karhun's symbols they need, Raksang and Rentus will be less done) - everything will be good for the balance. The Siege is available to all, players just don't do it.

    Once more i repeat, lower version content should not be more rewarding than later version content.

    ehm, and what reward bob gets for participating? leader will get fort to get more pots and consumables. bob will end up with nothing so he wont come next time. You could add something to encourage players to come there. Look at tiama its easy/fast gives mithril and 10k ap per fort. Many players go there. other forts are forgotten because it takes too much time to take over it and too little to defend. Something has to be changed there

    All the players participating gets at least 25k AP with gates and duxes + medals - other than that, the leader of the conquering legion can share all the rewards and the defence rewards with his legion members. If you are not in a big legion, nothing stops you from building ally yourself since you seem to have the time to do all those sub-sieges.

    You can also expect pvp if you decide to go to the other faction fortress.

    Nothing "has" to be changed, remember that this is lower version siege and shouldn't in any way be better than the ones of the new version, or all the interest of upgrading to this later version would be lost.

    Nerf all reshanta and inggison/gelkmaros forts gates/dux hp to the ground so 6 players can take fort in 15mins without pvp. Last time you were balancing it you aimed for 200+ players online + 2.7 was main content. Now we have tiamaranta as main thing. And there wont be 24-man alliances to capture it. Make it side thing available for few players to do.

    Hello, this is clearly not our vision at the moment.

    While it is indeed a side thing compared to Tiamaranta siege, we will not balance such sieges so that little groups of players can do it. The revert on the Dredgion Commander DMG has been done to make Defence siege more balanced but also to offer the possibility to attack these forts with more people when Balaur will take it. On such situation and with the current growth of the server we will not nerf it as you ask.

    This issue has been resolved already on ticket - stigma work as intended, there are no issues with it

    To respond on everything mentionned in this thread, with my point of view :

    - Manastones are indeed a small issue especially because the price is overall high, due to the fact that people are stacking for next version now - tho i'm pretty sure it's not possible to touch the manastones system to make it 4.8 like - maybe we can suggest an event with more manastones than 2 bags per day when 3.9 starts

    - Enchantment stones are fine, remember you get 1 L85 everyday on every account you have... you can stack them pretty quick and then its sadly just a matter of luck (use Aion Enchantment Calculator (4.6 Patch) ( to better see the rates of each stones depending of the gear)

    - i already mentionned to admin team the issue with gates AP, i guess this will be thought about because this is indeed giving too much rewards to "older players" who can already self-stack on siege weapons

    - for the lack of PvP, not much is duable at the moment, its indeed more of a mentality problem than something that can really be dealt with - keep in mind that although Aion indeed has PvP content, its a PvPvE game that still heavily incentivise PvE farm before PvP

    I agree about lowering the number of Padmaraska players to 6. It was reduced time ago when the population was way higher and it got increased not many weeks ago and now there is literally no people to do it.
    If u could make it for 6 players like it is on Classic, it would be awesome.

    Also about events... I would like to suggest to add (for circus event) something that is actually usefull to buy with the tokens u drop from instances instead of just the skin that is... useless to progress... Add some manastone bundles, enchantment stone bundles, 100% socketing, timed titles, even candies... Just something to motivate people to stay and play instead of impossible skins that most people don't even want.

    Thank you in advance.

    About Padmarashka, i will forward the suggestion to the admin team as it is indeed as of now a dungeon too hard to be easily done by the current population.

    For Circus Event, this idea was already thought so by the admin team, i will still remind them of it to see if it will be done or not.

    Thanks for the suggestions !

    Hello, is it possible to revert some hp buffs from siege gates, dux/stallari hp ? last time buffs were made there was 180 players online now hardly 100 during peak hours. Also there is 0 acrivity in lower abyss, roah/asteria. Is it possible to nerf its hp so small group can take over fort? at the moment its just afk farming potions/scrolls and medals from defence rewards.

    PvE group is very hard to gather, could you adjust events which base on pve grind to low population? DP is forgotten, there is maybe 1 or 2 runs of BT on ely side daily, padmarashka is forgotten, eso is forgotten, CoB is forgotten. Is it possible to add way of getting items from Dark Poeta S (weapons), padmarashka weapons ? something more accesible than gathering 4-6 players for Dp and 12+ for padma? if its possible to farm best pvp weapon in 1-3days in silentera wouldn't it make sense to have pve weapons the same?

    Lastly, I don't understand way of thinking this server administration, but why do you make overpowered pvp events where individual players are able to farm millions of ap daily? Isn't it better to have x3 or x4 ap and let players fight on siege? It kinda feels like nothing is worth doing when chests are in silentera.


    As of now we are waiting a bit before doing any change to siege. Reckless and immediate changes to any fluctuation of the population would only bring harm to the sieges, but we are indeed watching closely server population. If changes are really needed, they will happen by admins decision.

    For PvE, next events will for sure be adjusted with the current population of the server so that the grind never feels unfair.