Posts by Lember

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    Could be possible to add [Expand Card] Cube Expansion (Lvl 3) [item: 169630005] to the shop? Alts made on the same account as the main one doesnt receive extra expansion cubes like the first one with surveys, so they get behind in terms of cube (i can't reach 108 cube slots like i have currently on Gladiator).

    There's another untradeable version [Expand Card] Cube Expansion (Lvl 4) [item: 169630007] that im not sure how many inventory slot will allow us to use.

    Even if this is not a true 2.7 feature im pretty sure no one will be against of having extra slots on their characters and we can consider it a Quality of life change, just as we have pets that arent from 2.7, skins and other kind of features.

    I really just wanted to write a Dred PvP event suggestion when I saw your post title! We need to have dred, its the most fun of content. +111111111111111111111111111

    Some of the dreds i get is asmodians rushing surkanas + boss. Where is the fun :|

    And now another REQUEST, please please REMOVE the low-level Balaur mats from the 54-55 Balaur mobs. I am not asking to add or increase anything, JUST to remove these items from the mobs (after all, you also removed the gunner and bard items from the drop list)!

    Maybe I'll create a separate thread for this ;).

    Wut, no. Leave those materials there. I dont wanna to make 50 characters to farm on low level mobs to earn those... and we can't twink here, so i cant kill my character to stay 40.

    Hey there! So i just spend 100 elden coins on shop to buy 'Kaisinel Figurine' and seems i can't use it. It says "Avaiable for Level 8 or higher" in red, which i expect means Legion Level and not character level.

    Since we cannot go higher than level 5, the Souvenir is useless.

    Is there a way to fix it by removing the level requirement? If no, could i get back the 100 elden coin i just spend (Char name: Healer)?

    Hey there. I was just reading about the "new" event and I thought I comment about it and give it my one or two cent.

    The Event obviously only favors high geared players again as it always is on any kind of P-server. I think the gamemasters could at least let the chests be 1-5 hit so anyone who finds one high or low player actually have a chance of opening it before he gets ganked by gear lords.

    That is not even true. The event only benefits leather classes, specially assassins since they can run in hide 2 camping boxes without being bothered at all. Also you can run in group/alliance, the event item its 1 for each, about the AP and rest of items inside the box just keep the "Round robin" loot method without roll things and everyone will get at least 1 box full for itself, thats what we were doing first night of the event being over 8 people in alliance running in circles gathering boxes.

    Well, as a crafter, I can tell you that it’s not just about the serum. You also want to equip your alts and not run around dungeons with every character. And just because you know from Gee where the serum drops in Inggi, it doesn't mean that everyone will now go and farm it for hours. And where is the rest of the loot table for the other recipes? Oh yes, and you want the weekly NPC to get more coins, BUT then you could simply increase the daily reward. I think both approaches can work. Keep in mind the loot table is incorrect, and I don’t want to have to ask an admin every time where this and that drops.

    I didnt even mention to get more coins daily, which i wouldn't mind at all, i would even prefer getting x3 daily than current streak of my crafter that is going x1 daily over 5 days already. The only thing i said that in my opinion (which is as valid as yours) prices are fine as it is and not everything should be that easy to get.

    About droptable etc i wont say anything because im the first one that know they're not correct and it should be fixed, but that's not an easy task at all and might take its time.

    First of all, thank you for your feedback, CHALL. I think it's great that this topic is being kept in mind! Regarding recipes, I have a suggestion to either increase the reward for the daily/weekly crafting quests OR significantly reduce the prices for the recipes.

    This would significantly boost crafting and make it more attractive, which would naturally help the economy (Trading Post).

    As a crafter im against reducing the prices. It would be cool to have 3.0 Sarpan weekly quests if possible just moving the NPC to Sanctum/Pande, but there is no need to reduce prices if that happens.

    The only thing people most want from it is Fine recovery serum and Fine Recovery potion, which the first one has been confirmed that it drops from certain mobs and second one is not that hard to get.

    And unfortunately you get the medals thrown at you. I understand that it's a mid server. But it's too much and should be drastically reduced. Especially for dux and goals. The group feeling should be strengthened by encouraging people to go instances because they are worthwhile.

    You can spam Adma for medals. 5 minutes for elyo side, 2 minutes for asmo side equals to 1 medal. Should we suggest to remove all medals gains from bosses too? So newbies can't get geared at all?

    Alot of people cannot do, or dont want to do instances for earn some AP and their only way is to actually do it on siege. AP is already reduced by the amount of people that is on siege + your damage on doors/duxes. Going on alliance of 12-15 people a door gives around 3-8k AP (if no scroll) and same amount or around goes for Dux (got 9k from stallari), because on the Gelkmaros alliance i was in yesterday i got less than 25k AP going on siege, while probably losing more due to dying to asmodians and it was the alliance i was + another one around, so around 20-30 people at Gelk.

    If people prefer to go solo for doors and dux you cannot force them to go with you or your alliance, its their choice and its totally valid and if you reduce the AP gains they have, they will not even join siege at all and not even contribute on getting doors down or killing the dux, because you will lose more AP dying to an asmo than actually winning doing your "AP instance run".

    Just noticed (since i never care about those before) based on the link you provide that those manastone should drop from the arena manastone bundle. I know some elyos have gotten one, never ask them from where, and also know there is asmodians with few of those (i've seen screenshots), so maybe people actually opening this bundles.

    Could you check if item: 152202151 (Design: Fine Recovery Serum) drops from certain mobs in Inggi as it should, please? I used to farm for few days in retail for it, here has been around 7 hours so far with 50% loot scroll and no luck. I just kinda need a confirmation that it indeed drops from monsters before losing my mind.

    No need to give extra info, just 'yes' or 'no' its enough for me :)

    Thanks in advance <3