Posts by Obrygon

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    Hi, so these are all the IDs I could find, maybe I forgot some (Inggison). For the missing IDs from Inggison, feel free to add them here, especially since I'm missing the level 55 non-elite Balaur...


    Non Elite Balaur LvL 55:

    Undead Drakan Researcher ID: 217087
    Naduka Battlemage ID: 216104 / 216449
    Naduka Seeker ID: 216108 / 216109
    Naduka Raider ID: 216107 / 216450
    Naduka Priest ID: 216112 / 216451
    Naduka Crusader ID: 216101 / 216448
    Naduka Bonesetter ID: 216117
    Naduka Quartermaster ID: 216115
    Naduka Warmage ID: 216116

    Non Elite Balaur LvL 54:

    Naduka Surgeon ID: 216446 / 216447
    Naduka Enforcer ID: 216445 / 216444

    Elite Balaur LvL 55:

    Mitrakand Hunterkiller ID: 216121 / 216812
    Mitrakand Drakan Destroyer ID: 216119 / 216806 / 216804
    Mitrakand Raider ID: 216120 / 216808 / 216811 / 216810
    Mitrakand Gallowglass ID: 216122 / 216817 / 216816
    Mitrakand Lifekeeper ID: 216123 / 216823 / 216822 / 216821 / 216820

    Naduka Battleblade ID: 217123
    Naduka Vaegir ID: 216125 / 216828
    Naduka Musclemender ID: 217127
    Naduka Eyewalker ID: 216126 / 216832
    Naduka Magus ID: 216127 / 216839
    Naduka Sorrowbringer ID: 216124 / 216826 / 216824
    Naduka Trapsetter ID: 217124
    Naduka Meatfixer ID: 216128 / 216840

    Silentrea Canyon

    Laksyaka Bloodboss ID: 216372
    Laksyaka High Magus ID: 216373
    Laksyaka Chief Medic ID: 216376
    Laksyaka Head Marksman ID: 216375


    Elite Balaur LvL 55:

    Hanarkand Seeker ID: 215770 / 217047 / 217048
    Hanarkand Thrasher ID: 215768 / 217043 / 217044
    Hanarkand Mystic ID: 215771 / 217049 / 217050
    Hanarkand Boneminder ID: 215772 / ID: 217051 / 217052
    Hanarkand Elite Raider ID: 215769 / 217045 / 217046
    Hanarkand Curatus ID: 215777 / 217061 / 217062
    Hanarkand Triaris ID: 215775 / 217057 / 217058
    Hanarkand Legatus ID: 215773 / 217053 / 217054

    Basrasa Rioter ID: 215746
    Basrasa Hunterkiller ID: 215748
    Basrasa Sawbones ID: 215750
    Basrasa Rampager ID: 215749

    Non Elite Balaur LvL 54:

    Basrasa Deathwalker ID: 216472
    Basrasa Farmer ID: 216473
    Basrasa Medic ID: 215635
    Basrasa Infantry ID: 215632 / 216730
    Basrasa Vaegir ID: 215633 / 216731
    Basrasa Sentry ID: 215634

    I hope you really manage to make the adjustment. Thank you.

    Thank you for the response. In the next few days, I will try to find the IDs for the mobs. I hope this helps you a bit.;)

    PS: Just an example, if low-level gear (Tahabata) were to suddenly drop in Beshmundir Temple, it would be corrected as it is not end-level stuff.

    I know I said/wrote that I don't want to post in the forum anymore...blah blah, BUT here is a new Suggestion,

    Please Please REMOVE the low-level Balaur mats from the 54-55 Balaur mobs in Open World. I am not asking to add or increase anything, JUST to REMOVE these items from the Mobs.

    You have also done it here in the Update Notes ( Update notes [06/19/2024] - Bug fixes & adjustments ).

    I beg you, please just this one correction.....I don't know what else I can do but beg you, please, please, please ;(:!:.

    And I don't know if you read it in my last post, but if not, here it is again:

    Gee and the EldenAion Team, I have never personally attacked anyone from the EldenAion team nor did I intend to. All I want is to have a good gaming experience here, AND I greatly appreciate your work and the daily patches! Thank you!:thumbup::!:

    Wut, no. Leave those materials there. I dont wanna to make 50 characters to farm on low level mobs to earn those... and we can't twink here, so i cant kill my character to stay 40.

    Why make a 50 character? Go with your main or twink lvl 55 char and go Dark Poeta you get a lot of lvl 50 Balaur stuff ;):thumbup:

    Im farming the inggi mobs for the recipes for like hell. I got the Fine potion recipe from them, just need the serum. I kinda like that its not that easy to get, u have to farm for it or if u are not farming then days of quests ye. In retail there were many recipes ofc because hundreds of players farmed the mobs everywhere. And i got all of the Type B scroll recipes too.

    Wich Mobs and Level pls (fine Serum) ? And for me its nearly perfect with the Daylie Quest because i have not enough Time to Farm Hours and Hours ( only on weekend i have the Time).

    I know I said/wrote that I don't want to post in the forum anymore...blah blah, BUT it is and remains a private server and here WE have the opportunity to create a great 2.7 experience, and constant adjustments are being made in PvP (HP, Medals, Siege time). Why? Exactly because the server is still growing, and it is good that these changes are being made. However, one must not forget the PvE part because it is also still growing, and all we want is for us to be helped with that too (adjustments just like in PvP). I think it's good that the daily craft quest now gives a few more tokens (THANK YOU FOR THAT). NO ONE wants anything for free, WE want to play and have fun on this server!

    And now another REQUEST, please please REMOVE the low-level Balaur mats from the 54-55 Balaur mobs. I am not asking to add or increase anything, JUST to remove these items from the mobs (after all, you also removed the gunner and bard items from the drop list)!

    Maybe I'll create a separate thread for this ;).

    PS: Gee and the EldenAion Team, I have never personally attacked anyone from the EldenAion team nor did I intend to. All I want is to have a good gaming experience here, AND I greatly appreciate your work and the daily patches! Thank you!:thumbup::!:

    Hello, we're not going to reduce the price of Recipe. Game was designed this way. You need time to farm and gather the needed items :) It's no impossible to get, you just have to have a little patience :saint:

    Oh Lord! The game (PATCH 2.7) was not designed like this. There were no NPC daily quests and there were no low-level drops (see 55 Balaur) in the mobs. So please stop calling this custom downpatch (4.6 to 2.7) correct!! Changes are constantly being made here whenever it seems right to you, BUT when someone wants to go the right Way, it gets blocked and the Thread is ignored or closed. And I say it again: if it’s not about PvP or an Adjustment for a Dungeon, it’s immediately rejected! BUT now I finally understand it: Your Server, your Rules. And PLEASE stop calling yourselves a 2.7 retail Server because you are far from it!!

    Oh, and by the way, there are Players on this Server who are already fully Equipped with PvP gear due to bug/glitch exploits (Tiamaranta Eye), and is that fair? Well, this is my last post in this forum because it’s pointless to keep trying here. It’s just another private Server that hasn't been properly thought through.

    I would like to know the Players that got the Fine Recovery Serum Recipe.

    If anyone had the drop luck, it would be in the broker - The Recipe or the Serums.

    We really need a solution for 2.7 endgame crafting recipes, cuz the broker is still empty.

    I just created a ticket about drops and this recipe. After not even debating on those points with GMs they just closed the ticket.

    The same thing happened to me. I opened two threads about loot, drops, and recipes/crafting, and both were rejected... At least the prices for the recipes could have been reduced, but I have the feeling that if it's not about PvP or dungeons, it's immediately rejected...i dont get it is nearly empty because nobody is crafting or goes open World.....

    Hello again, it's now been 25 days since I started the thread "Crafting, Loot, Economy." What's the plan now? What progress has been made? Is a solution being worked on at all, and if so, what ideas are already in progress? Many questions, but these are important for me in deciding whether to continue investing my time here or leave the server. I hope to get some constructive answers.

    Thank you very much.

    I didnt even mention to get more coins daily, which i wouldn't mind at all, i would even prefer getting x3 daily than current streak of my crafter that is going x1 daily over 5 days already. The only thing i said that in my opinion (which is as valid as yours) prices are fine as it is and not everything should be that easy to get.

    About droptable etc i wont say anything because im the first one that know they're not correct and it should be fixed, but that's not an easy task at all and might take its time.

    It's not about proving who is the better or more experienced Crafter. I'm on your side because I believe that both of us, and other Players as well, are trying to help make this Server a good gaming Experience. And yes, I don't exactly know what the best Solution is either, but some incentives need to be created to get Players to go into the Open World. At the Moment, there's no real Reason to farm Mobs because you don't get good Recipes or the necessary Materials ( In this Case, I mostly mean the Balaur Materials, especially the Hearts to exchange them for Recipes ;)).

    And we both know Aion has more to offer than just Sieges and Dungeons!