Posts by OTHA

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    - We're slowly adding all skins that players suggest from time to time, adding all existing skins at once takes time and that why we're adding based on player suggestions, also we're holding some skins for events/battlepass only.
    - Campaign quests are alternative to grinding monsters for the players who enjoy the storyline of Aion, there is no need to add lumens there in order to push players to do it.
    - We cannot add instaces that are not designed to be in 4.6 patch but we also want to keep the current patch (3.9) as much close as Retail version.
    - It's not possible to change the whole housing system expecially adding inside the house all required crafting tables and NPC.
    - Chainskills, as you said it yourself are a feature from 5.x and cannot be implements in 4.6 retail files.
    - There is no plan to upgrade our version (3.9). There are already too many 4.x servers.

    Hello thanks for your suggestion. We will take a look into it as soon as possible :)

    And we should have Death XP penalty since it was a feature which we dont have here. Not having it means we are getting forced to actually level up and being unable to do this kind of content which is totally contrary of the game-experience retail was giving us.

    What do you mean? You have death penality from 50 o.o

    Is it possible to have multiple master crafting professions on the same character? Or is it only for construction that you can have 1 master craft + master construction? Not sure how it works on this patch, appreciate if anyone could clarify :saint:

    Hello unfrotunately we can't change that. The game in this patch is designed to have only 1 Master.

    Could be possible to add [Expand Card] Cube Expansion (Lvl 3) [item: 169630005] to the shop? Alts made on the same account as the main one doesnt receive extra expansion cubes like the first one with surveys, so they get behind in terms of cube (i can't reach 108 cube slots like i have currently on Gladiator).

    There's another untradeable version [Expand Card] Cube Expansion (Lvl 4) [item: 169630007] that im not sure how many inventory slot will allow us to use.

    Even if this is not a true 2.7 feature im pretty sure no one will be against of having extra slots on their characters and we can consider it a Quality of life change, just as we have pets that arent from 2.7, skins and other kind of features.

    Hello Lember, right now we're not planning to put this ticket in the shop, perhaps we may change idea in the future or add it as Event reward :)

    Here's the suggestion :

    For a much better game experience, I propose to reduce the cost of the Artisan Tokens in Sanctum.

    The designs are way too expensive.

    Good evening,


    Hello Aseshesha, as we already answered in all other posts, we are not going to reduce the amount of Tokens needed to buy the recipe.
    There's a chance that we will add some recipes in future events.

    Oh Lord! The game (PATCH 2.7) was not designed like this. There were no NPC daily quests and there were no low-level drops (see 55 Balaur) in the mobs. So please stop calling this custom downpatch (4.6 to 2.7) correct!! Changes are constantly being made here whenever it seems right to you, BUT when someone wants to go the right Way, it gets blocked and the Thread is ignored or closed. And I say it again: if it’s not about PvP or an Adjustment for a Dungeon, it’s immediately rejected! BUT now I finally understand it: Your Server, your Rules. And PLEASE stop calling yourselves a 2.7 retail Server because you are far from it!!

    Oh, and by the way, there are Players on this Server who are already fully Equipped with PvP gear due to bug/glitch exploits (Tiamaranta Eye), and is that fair? Well, this is my last post in this forum because it’s pointless to keep trying here. It’s just another private Server that hasn't been properly thought through.

    First of all, we answered to many posts same as yours at the same way. We told several times that we're not reducing the price for the recipe. We will organize event where you will have the chance to get the recipe you need as Gee told in previous answer :)
    We made most of our changes based on community suggestions and request in order to satisfy everyone but sometimes we can't just do everything that people ask. You should be able to understand it yourself that we can't give everything to everyone. We discussed several times about changes.

    PS (MY ANSWER TO YOU AS PLAYER) : I am a players just like you. I'm a crafter, just like you, im doing daily token quest, just like you. It takes time, you can easily craft the Major Recovery Serum untill you will get the Fine Recovery Serum recipe, like I'm doing, im farming several hours in gelk everyday. There's no need to complain on every single item/quest/admin decission. They are working constatly 24/7 to provide the best solution for every player but harrassing/insulting/complaining 24/7 won't help them at all.

    Just lower the Price for Recipe on Daylie NPC its Fair for all :!:

    Hello, we're not going to reduce the price of Recipe. Game was designed this way. You need time to farm and gather the needed items :) It's no impossible to get, you just have to have a little patience :saint:

    Hello, a friend of mine told me that He saw remodeling between armor types enabled once on some other server. Would it be possible to make this happen here as well? Like remodeling plate onto cloth pieces to make some awesome battle mage look ect. It could do wonders for fashion imho. ^^

    Edit: Plus it would give peoples more opportunity to buy Skins probably.

    Hello, are you referring to shop skins or game armours? :)

    Hello, as it's very easy to hit cap level, the event was builded to bring back some PvP to Silentera Canyon.

    About Adma and Theo Lab, we understand your POV but at same time, people were exploiting the Adma Quest to get an insane advantage. We decided to decrease the chance to get Platinum Medals from Adma/Theo in order to push players to partecipate to sieges instead of living hidden inside istances.
    I hope you understand :) Have a nice day