Posts by maxkirby

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    If I may add :
    The best place if you want to create a content PvPvE area would be silentera (and give access to it 100% of the time ofc otherwise it doesnt work)

    As I recall there are monsteres called Laksyaka or such, there are huge possibility to create an actual elite area, I've always thought that the cretors or this patch forgot to give sense to this area that is the real center of the whole balaurea (in 2.7) :)
    If you are ever interested by that tell me if you'd like to have a talk :)

    Cheers !

    Agreed, this would be nice to be able to enjoy evey different equipment this game has, instead of focusing on a few.
    It's a big work to balance that tbh, but it'd be a big pleasure for many players I think.

    And Amuren, yes I have seen that, and to be fair, this isnt a great idea. This gear makes any loots useless at low level. The best way to help grind would have been to simplifie the coins loots. It's very easy to do and it makes the leveling more interesting since you can get gears.
    Don't take it the wrong way when we suggest that the game could let everyone enjoy balic crafting, normal crafting, "epic random" monsters loots and such. Many things were lost in this patch cause the focus went on the CRUCIBLE sets. Which were very good for almost no game time. It's not fun.

    Improving the loots isnt the only solutuion, the tables need to be worked on in fact, and i'd say the amount too. (for example : balic skin could be dropped by 2 or 3 at a time... It's just an example)

    Cheers again !

    Agreed with you.
    I'm still very new to the server, but I believe that the game should be kind of easy to get gears (ofc not for best gears like stormwings or PvP gears) but for the rest it should be improved so people can have fun and be kind of useful.
    Back in the day the "simple gears" were kind of hard to get even know they werent that good. It's hard to explain in a few lines I hope you guys will get what I mean by that. It's actually quite important.