Posts by Lember

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    I understand your worries, but it worked well elsewehere, it kept alive Upper Abyss and Gelk/Ingi sieges for months, also on retail, from 4.x uppers gave mithril (I clearly remember because we were actively capturing them, since the exchange rate to ceranium medals were fairly good).
    I know it's just an idea, but clearly, everything is dead apart with the exception of Tia sieges...
    Also just now we lost Crimson Temple to Beep Beep, because people just don't even care to check what's up in those forts, fortunately Kisa woke us up from our slumber and gathered to make a small Vorgaltem defence (not many were interested of course).
    It would still worth a try...

    I think u missunderstood my comment xD

    Im + for mithril on Sieges.

    Im - for mithril on Tia boxes, they good enough as they currently are.

    Sorry but Ranking System is just a trash system made by NCsoft that doesnt really fit here, neither it did on Retail back on the days because of Western Mentallity.

    People will not join big alliance > Mostlikely fill with noobs/ungeared and you will not get tier 1 rewards like that.

    Classes (chanter/cleric) on support stigmas will have harder time to earn T1 rewards against those who decide to go solo on DPS.

    People will start trashtalking suppoters for actually decide to go solo or in dps because they get no Heals > Sieges became harder and more drama to discord/game.

    People will start to kill trading. And im pretty sure no one of you will be scouting whole Siege making sure no one is on X/Y position getting kills/killed by opposite faction to earn T1 reward to report it instead of full dpsing boss to earn your T1 reward.

    If everyone gets same reward that incentivates everyone to play their own style and join siege. Yes, it sucks that top dps unga unga gets the same reward as that poor little guy that has starter gear and blue weapon. But if only unga unga players will get reward, rest of people will stop joining sieges, which means not even you will get rewards because there wont be enough people to do it.... kinda like its what happening on Ingi/Gelk/KKM = rewards arent mithril > people not joining because not worth to spend time.

    Eventually, reviewing the medal drops from various places like TiaEye boxes, Tiamat Fortress garden chest... these drop platinum medals instead of mithril.

    Those should never reward Mithril Medal. I dont mind siege thing, but we all know that will not be enough to bring that content back to live because if you know you will not cap the fort, you will not go there to die and give the opposite faction the defense rewards while you earn nothing.

    Hello, ill forward your request to admin. But keep in mind that those quest are limited to 55. As it should be.

    And we should have Death XP penalty since it was a feature which we dont have here. Not having it means we are getting forced to actually level up and being unable to do this kind of content which is totally contrary of the game-experience retail was giving us.

    Hey, i can understand that argument, but on the other hand item-identification isnt meant to be in 3.x as well.

    Its true that we didnt had the "item indentification" system, but on 3.X random stats were shown immediately after u got the item. Back on the days max-stat items were still RNG based, on 4.x they just added this system to help the playersbase out (and to milk us more).

    For more info;

    PS: It will still be kinda good to maybe have those scrolls on events, afterall it wont hurt anyone. Is not like you can trade the item.

    Could be possible that we have max level range edited from 55 to 60 on the next quests, so people can still do weekly fortuneer quest to earn its tokens? Its the only way besides drop rate or Army quest kill to earn Blind/Silence godstones and population is not big enough to get supply out of those by just drop, so this change is need to let people farm godstones (still rng) in a non-crazy way.

    Elyo side [Spy/Weekly] A Killer Hunts a Killer [Spy/Weekly] The Bowmaster Disaster [Spy/Weekly] What a Beautiful Chest

    Asmo side [Spy/Weekly] Agent Greenlake's Orders [Spy/Weekly] Balaurean Booty [Spy/Weekly] Zausis Must Die!


    Composites are on game in 3.9, yes.

    Have in mind that the system you suggest will make each slot even hardier to enchant than current it is. Yes, they wont break, but the % to actually sucess will be way lower, making it probably even wasting more manastones than you currently can, and since there are composites manastones, the 100% enchant rate its a must unless you wanna kill the server completly.

    Also if people cant really farm 200 elden medal every 2-3 days just of active gameplay, they shouldn't be playing, honestly. This game has never meant to be for people that plays 1-2 hour at day, and you cannot modify the server based on that.

    How would it help the economy?
    Well, if people need less manastones to be able to finish to socket their gear there gonna be more manastones available to sell, people that have a lot of time to play will be able to farm them to sell in the broker so they can make kinah, while players with a lower time to play can just find them in the broker fresh to buy.

    This literally makes no sense with your suggestion, pretty much because with 100% you will need less manastones overall to enchant your gear.

    Also remember in 3.9 there will be two things new; More instances to farm Elden medal and Composite manastones. Have fun trying to make any piece without 100% enchants, prices of those manastones will be so high that average player wont have enough kinah to buy them.

    Also the change of 100% manastone shocket (that some people pay real money for it) for a manastone bundle is just a spit on their face.

    If peopel cant "farm" elden medal is because they lack time or knowledge. Its not that hard to make literally 3 characters level 55 and farm Taloc with them. Is not like the 100% arent tradeable. You can also buy them from other people, in Elyo side there is some economy compared to Asmodian side that its completly dead because you dont have people that actually play and farm in the game, so the problem its yours, not the server itself.

    No, what i dont want is lazy people getting free stuff. You all want free pvp gear first, then you will cry you want L100 or even higher because you cannot enchant your l50-55 weapons, and then you will start requesting Manastones, potions, scrolls, food, jelly because well "crafting and farming is boring QQQQQ".

    So yes, call me selfish, tell me i want people to suffer what i suffer (which i didnt, cuz i actually enjoy PLAYING the game), or whatever you feel. I just dont want lazy people getting more free stuff. Play the game. If you cannot be on same progression level of someone who can spend 14 hours a day, its your problem, it happens here, it happens in any MMO with gear/level progression.

    This is always the case in any mmo, on any server.
    Gear you have farmed tidiously will come free of charge, or even in the cash shop later for grabs so new players can catch up the old players.
    in Blade and Soul the Gear you got from campaign was always updated to a new standard.
    Or even on classic you farmed gear in 1.9 and later in came in the cash shop for 25$ sooo yeahh hardly and argument.

    I mean I have E50 gear now, and id still welcome this change for new players.

    Thats because that's a cash shop grab for whales/lazy people which is not the case on this server. We are not other private servers, neither we are classic. Retail never had AP gear neither on shop neither in ingame-surveys, not till 5.0 which is when i quit after playing since 3.0.

    We are not even 3 months online, most of people are not even full AP geared besides few players that you can count with both hands, no reason to give full AP set to anyone. Is not like people are running full gbg at this stage.

    Doing Dredd solely for AP is another issue that is caused by not giving People easyer access to PvP gear. Why would they do PvP in dredd with devanion gear if they need AP to buy PvP gear and thus need to rush captain in a dps race to get there first.. xD If everyone would have at least some pvp gear you would see some PvP in dredd too..

    And for me this is a vague excuse. You can do PvP without PvP gear... how you think we were doing at the start of the server? We were doing PvP with PvE gear and its totally fine. How do you think we were doing PvP on classic too? People were doing PvP on Steel rake / Dark poeta sets most of time over months, except those that tryharder AP farm and Roah/Asteria that were ahead enough to buy AP set.

    Yes, is not fair if you find a full geared guy/group while you're on your fresh level 55 character with Daevanion set, but life is not fair. Be glad you even get Daevanion set and deal with it.

    In a way, all your arguments are sounding like "I want others to suffer because I have sufferd" which realz is just a sad mentality not helping the server at all..

    Well, in my eyes i have spend alot of time and energy farming my stuff without crying i couldnt get manastones neither enchant stones... i have found my way to earn them, aswell as some other people. Having people getting free things because they lack the time / knowledge / energy to farm it themselfs is not good, specially when you get so much free things here due to the rates and Camps.

    Cmon... you can farm insane amount of L50 manastones which are TOTALLY fine in this patch to use doing gold rep quest which nones does but they keep crying about no manastones. People crying that there is no enchant stones arent even doing instances to get gear to break
    There is people i know they would love to come and play here, yet they dont want to touch any PvE content. All they want is a full PvP character to PvP whole day ignoring rest of the game, explain to me what this kind of people bring to the whole server?

    And in my opinion, people with no time to play at least 3 hours daily and farm should not play AION at all. Stop wasting your time.

    Now to some issues regarding general gameplay:
    Enchanting: Manastones and Enchantment rates are bad as hell, feels even worse then retail. On Eternal gear i almost never get 2 consecutive manastones in, ive wasted stacks of 100 manastones on a single gear piece. This feels like forcing me to save all my elden coins to buy 100% socketing aids, which i am okey to use for the last 2 maybe even 3 slots but not for every single one of them.

    I could agree with manastones being a little issue, specially the ones you cant direcly craft (like MR/macc). The 4.8+ system of not breaking all manastones upon fail would be great, you will still fail a lot and consume alot of manastones, but wont be as painfull as it is right now.

    Enchantment also feels quite bad, Ive wasted a bunch of 85-100 Enchantment stones on an Eternal 55 weapon, 90% of them failed, leaving my weapon on +2 this far..

    Problem with these two topics is mainly that we dont have a retail like economy to use retail like enchantment. There is no supply of enchantment stones in broker, Kinah is inflated anyways, so this simply doesnt quite work.

    I sadly cannot agree with this. There is ways to obtain decent amount of Enchant stones that people dont even bother trying it. There are ways to boost sucess rate that people totally refuses to use. Yes, for newbies might be hard, but we all been there.
    Game is designed to be play with multiple characters, yet people doesnt want/cant; You wont get as much progression as people as do.

    Sieges: ive noticed a paticular problem with sieges...and that is egoistical gameplay. It happens mostly on Ely side as far as ive seen, where the people dont go in ally anymore and instead try solo or small groups with siegeweapons to get all the AP off gates for themselves.. which granted, its the most efficient way right now to get AP gear fast as you get around 100-200k AP per gate if solo or duo. This leads to chaotic sieges, and frustrated players that want to siege but dont get anything from it because some people claim 99% of the AP for themselves.
    I know you cant quite fix the Ego problem of people, but maybe there is a work around to add relics to siege rewards and remove AP from gates in exchange. Forcing people to make good tactics and lead good Alliances for AP rather then everybody trying to fight for themselves.

    Sieges has been always like that, even back on the days in retail. There is no rewards at all for being in alliance instead of a small group. Even if you remove AP from Doors people would leave alliance in last seconds to obtain most AP from Dux as possible as it was happening back on the days. Im not sure how you would implement a system that rewards you with AP relics instead of AP directly that doesnt work in the same way as direct AP now.

    Because afterall if you cannot touch the Doors, you will not get AP/relics.

    General lack of PvP: Also partly a people problem, but I also think pvp isnt quite encouraged here, altough its a big part of Aion. Maybe it is lack of motivation to pvp since its not that rewarding, maybe its a feeling of not having a chance anyways since your starting with absolutely 0 pvp gear and have to fight veteran players in maxed out everything.
    My idea is to give new players e30 or e40 pvp gear to starts. to both sides. Just to enable people to play PvP from the start and not first do weeks of PvE to finaly get some gear to start even trying pvp. these old sets provide some dearly needed PvP deffence stats, while still leaving big gap to the 50+ sets for improvement.

    Can't agree with this at all.

    People here just dont want to PvP and dont tell me otherwise because i been here since day 1. They claim to want to PvP, they claim to be PvP heros, yet all the decisions that have been made to improve PvP this people have took them to do PvE and some of them are not even playing after they got all their full gear doing it.

    Silentera event was a clearly example. A event that let few people get full AGB/GBG gear in less than two weeks. People that are almost full AGB/BGB in days... how much PvP there was without being arranged beforehand in Discord? Barely none. The only person i saw 24/7 on the event doing PvP wsas 'Rody' in Elyo/Asmo account and SIN as Asmodian.

    People that claim to be PvP arent letting the other faction take the fortress in ingi/gelk to force them come do the daily later on your own map, forcing people to PvP. They prefer to do defense because well, rewards are more important than PvP.

    People doing Ingi/Gelk daily on their own map, people THAT CLAIM TO BE PVPrs are running back to fortress picking up monsters near and luring them to kill them next to guards instead of PvP whatever they have in front.

    PvPrs on Dredgion are rushing Captain to earn AP instead of PvP... i meaaan, c'mon.. the excuses arent valid at this point.

    Giving people free AP30-40 that by the way, some of us have spend alot of resources buying, enchanting and manastoning them and it will be not fair for us will bring nothing good at all to the server, because those people wont do PvE at all to bring stuff to broker, they will take what is already barely on broker to use it for themselfs and cry there is not enough resource to manastone/enchant.

    A person playing actively with other people can get AP30-40 in less than a week because the AP you get in a week is more than enough to buy whole set and you still have AP left. And if you dont, you're doing something wrong.

    There is tons of ways to earn AP here, and there are Spy questline to earn Silver/Gold Medals. Plus you get AP50 accesories really fast here, which is already kinda enough for most of classes to start PvP.

    Of course you will find people that have pvp gear... they have been playing since day 1 and they deserve to get that ahead.
    The diferent for DPS class of AP30 and AP 50 is so small that you will pretty much spit on this people work if you start giving them out free this early.

    Hello. Just noticed that you guys actually add a kinda broken shield that should've level 65 but it got changed to 55 and it keeps 65 stats: which makes it a broken shield better than pretty much anything else for block set.

    Please consider removing it from the database to avoid people abusing it or to edit the stats to 0. That thing shouldn't be on this version.

    @Edit: Consider making all the shields you have that are Eternal 55 to white version or be unable to break. People might have exploit it to break shields into enchant stones and if not, well, its a chance that might happen.

    In my opinion those skins should be exclusive for events. If they get add a week/two weeks later on the shop there is no sense to have them as the majority and valuable reward of the event.

    I can understand that you, and other people couldnt have the time to farm it. But on the other hand there was people that worked for their skin doing the instance daily. Adding them to the shop this early will be nothing but a spit on their face and their work of obtaining those.

    You and other people will have their chance to obtain Fire dragon skin again when the event return after some time.