Posts by Kisa

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    THe siege is already unfair ... ppl who tryhard got the same like someone who does nothing (really nothing, just part of group / alli / league).

    Isn't it the system to be rewarded by your doings?

    Don't blame the system when the player sucks ;)

    but healer still doing things - healer will suffer the most when the rank system comes back.

    we cant afk in a ally cuz other players want that we heal them.

    dont change hp / dmg / etc on inggi / gelk / abyss forts .. put mithril rewards in it.
    Then the players come to get them.

    Bring back rang rewards .. now 80 % is afk / auto-attack afk in tia raid .. because u got your reward for doing nothing .. yeah.

    healing dosnt get rewarded.

    Ppl will start going solo to sieges - on asmo side we still build league.

    Things like on classic will happen, leaving the group few seconds before the boss is down. Healers end up with nothing.


    20x faster than classic and retail. Again.

    yes spamming pve for pvp stuff.


    And u have medals from events and from pve too. Stop being that dramatic. Go for sieges, just be active, u can earn 5 plats from every fort, all u need is any effort.

    if you cant win a siege you wont get platin medals. With sieges most cant do BT or anything else and sometimes you cant even find a group. You wont make any progress, Seems like asmo only problem.


    Actually a lot of people is buying elden medals from other players. Not every player spend 80€ to get really easy items to get.

    Plxn and Helyona once on Asmo side.


    People on retail and classic were farming almost year to get gear what people have here after 1-2 months. Its not even long in perspective of MMO game.

    On classic 6 month, u can do crusader tokens there everday. eso event with double drops and scrolls constant pvp everywhere.


    20x faster than classic and retail. Again.

    In Classic u have eso event with double drop and scrolls for it. In classic you get alot more ap in eso.


    People choose this schedule. When we had less sieges people asked for more of them to be added so that there would be more content and place for pvp

    AND alot of ppl including me asked why dred is not from 9-11 pm.


    Silentra were totally overpowered. The idea of event was to bring players to pvp, but no one pvp here, just pve boxbiting. Its good its nerfed, should be like this from start, since still u have infinite place to farm AP, plat coins, mounts, potions and candies. People dont do pvp? All want pvp, no? So why its empty? Box are addition in place were all players can do pvp. Since no one is here, logically, few people care about ow.

    we had some good pvp there. No one goes there anymore cuz its not rewarding when u get only platin coins. No1 cares about running in circles with no enemies.


    Do gold coins and socket mb 25. They are practically free. Learn where MB27 drops, DP is not good place to farm. Mb27 is endgame, what u expect?

    Enchantrates feel lower als classic. I cant even get my stuff on +5 ( Gold lvl 55 ) with 85 enchantment stones.

    I dont care about pve i want my pvp gear in the best case from pvp.

    A private server needs feedback from active players. I AM ACTIVE and still here even if i disslike some major things.

    The Kindergarten goes to bed now.

    Edit " in classic we had enough medals and to less ap, here its the opposite."

    no1 said anything about instant. To make rates higher for medals, arena medals crusader tokens and chances for progession with manastones or entchantment stones higher, dosnt has anything to do with instant. It just makes the server more attractiv for ppl that are not complet tryhard.

    i Mean the pve is pretty simple as long u can find groups for it.

    Not everyone has the time to take aion as a second job.

    A game needs to give a rewarding feeling, and if it dosnt there isnt a reason to log in again.

    Everytime when we ask for improvment for new players things like " ur lazy " are mentioned. I farmed my shit on classic and i farmed it here. But my way of gameplay is not for everyone and normal boomer ppl with 3 or 4 kids cant run 2 times a day dp for ap.

    They cant go to siege.

    But they would like to play, slower but still some rewarding progression.

    NPC предназначен только для отображения скинов.

    Даже если вы не можете сделать пожертвование, вы все равно можете зарабатывать валюту в игре.

    Translated by Google.

    If u cant def anything u wont have those potions and they are important in pvp.

    Im fine with farming those tokens but not over 100 days for 1 recipe.

    And yeah its a private server - if i want to gind like insane i play on a korean server.

    They changed it and and i am happy with that.

    Now we need 53 days for the biggest recipe and thats fine.

    If its endgame crafting recipes, should not be easy to gain.

    People on 2.0-2.7 were using mostly blue/red potions, there is way easier craft than in origial retail aion, as crafters we should no complain.

    Its still a private server and if we would like to exp. retail or classic we would play there.

    We try to fill up the broker - a empty broker is a bad sign for new players.

    A empty broker - is a sign for low or inefficient playerbase.

    100 Days of token farming is tbh to much for a private server. We dont have the" lucky guy "that got fine recovery serum recipe as a drop till now.

    Then we should also change BTHM back to the original. Cuz its endgame should not be easy to gain.

    I would like to know the Players that got the Fine Recovery Serum Recipe.

    If anyone had the drop luck, it would be in the broker - The Recipe or the Serums.

    We really need a solution for 2.7 endgame crafting recipes, cuz the broker is still empty.

    Just noticed (since i never care about those before) based on the link you provide that those manastone should drop from the arena manastone bundle. I know some elyos have gotten one, never ask them from where, and also know there is asmodians with few of those (i've seen screenshots), so maybe people actually opening this bundles.

    Ty Lember. I will check this.

    No u don’t get it from the Box. But the instance is easy, endboss is already nerfed. U Can do it easy with 4 ppl in 30 min. Its the best pvp pole and shouldnt be easy to get.